Tonight Shonda Rhimes show "scandal" came to an end. This was the series finale and of course, there was a bit of bloodshed. David Rosen ended up dying after Cyrus Beene took his life by poisoning him and then smothering him with a pillow. Everyone was upset because one of the good guys passed away. This was obviously really hard on Abby.
Abby and Huck head to the cemetery
After David Rosen's death tonight, everyone went and saw his body. Then, later on, Abby and Huck went to the cemetery to pay their respects. They were standing together at David's grave and looking at his tombstone.
First, Huck went up and placed a rock on the top of it. After that, Abby went up and placed one on it as well. This had the fans wondering exactly what this means. Personally, I had never seen this before and had to figure out why they would do this and make sure everyone saw.
The story behind a rock on a tombstone
A Grave Interest explained the reason behind putting a rock on a tombstone. It is a Jewish tradition that a lot of people won't understand because they have never seen it happen before. There are several reasons behind it. If you remember, before tombstones, they used rocks and stones to mark the grave. This was a way that people could find it. It would also keep animals from digging at the graves.
Another reason that is explained is that people felt like these rocks would keep the spirits from coming out of their graves and bothering people. David Rossen was a good guy and the two that did this to his grave really cared about him a lot. That just doesn't seem to fit this storyline at all, so I kept digging to find another reason.
The other reason sounds like why Abby and Huck put rocks on top of David's tombstone. It is explained saying, "It is also a Jewish custom to place a stone or pebble on a headstone to indicate that you have visited the grave and to indicate respect for the deceased. Adding a stone was also seen as taking part in the Mitzvah of Matzevah or the ‘setting of stone." This just shows that they were there to remember David and pay their respects.
Huck and Abby both had a great deal of respect for David and were sorry to see him gone.
Were you shocked to see that they killed off David Rosen tonight on "Scandal"? Do you think the show ended the way it should? Sound off in the comments section below on your thoughts. Remember that even though "Scandal" is over you can watch Shonda Rhimes other shows on Thursday nights each week still.