On last week's "Saturday Night Live," Robert De Niro appeared alongside Ben Stiller to reenact their film "Meet the Parents," but did so in a way that was linked to the recent Michael Cohen scandal. During an interview on Wednesday, De Niro elaborated on his thoughts about Donald Trump.

(De Niro's comments on Trump start at 1:45 in the above video.)

De Niro on Trump

It's become obvious that Donald Trump and the majority of celebrities out in Hollywood don't see eye to eye, with the rift between both sides starting during the early days of the 2016 presidential campaign.

After Trump referred to illegal immigrants from Mexico as "rapists" and "murderers," Hollywood stars used their popularity in an attempt to rally against the president, doing whatever was in their power to keep him from being elected. While their efforts weren't successful, that hasn't stopped celebrities from speaking out, including veteran actor Robert De Niro who has been more than clear in regards to his opposition to Trump.

After Robert De Niro made a surprise appearance on "Saturday Night Live," playing a satirical role of Russian investigation special counsel Robert Mueller, the actor gave an interview during the April 18 edition of "TODAY." After being asked if he would return to "SNL" in the future, De Niro was hopeful, saying, "I hope there’s a couple where I interrogate him, I arrest him, and then I take him to jail."

"I have never been this active," Robert De Niro said of his current political activism, noting, "When I see what’s going on with this guy (Trump), you have no choice but to be active." "It’s past the point of being passive.

People have to speak out," he continued, while stating, "This guy, this administration, is beyond belief." De Niro has been one of the most vocal opponents of the president, once admitting that he wanted to "punch him in his face," and only time will tell when he'll pop up next on "Saturday Night Live."

Next up

While Donald Trump has spoken out against "Saturday Night Live" and Hollywood criticism in the past, lately he's been focused on other issues.

With the Russian investigation heating up, the scandal involving his alleged affair with adult film star Stormy Daniels, the raid of his lawyer Michael Cohen, as well as domestic and foreign policy issues, the president has a lot on his plate. With an average approval rating of around just 40 percent, Trump is facing an uphill climb as Republicans head into the upcoming midterm elections with many unanswered questions.