Once excited for the arrival of her child with her boyfriend, Tristan Thompson, Khloe Kardashian now faces worry at the end of her pregnancy. Instead of focusing on the impending birth of her first born, she must now come to the realization that her child's father is a serial cheater. He left his ex-girlfriend during her pregnancy for Khloe and now appears to be doing the same to her, according to Fox News.
Cheating allegations started
The first allegations were revealed to the world over the weekend, with reports that Thompson was seen kissing another woman in a New York nightclub. The two were also spotted entering, and later leaving, a hotel. His Kardashian girlfriend was reported to be in her ninth month of pregnancy, with just a short time left until their child’s arrival. An insider reported the pair were together at the PH-D Lounge, located in Manhattan. Thompson had a game on Monday (April 9) and was partying nearby the weekend prior. He and the female in question entered his hotel together at around 5:00 AM after leaving the lounge.
Video evidence
Though the first reports were just hearsay, video evidence has now come to light showing the transgressions. The video shows Thompson and a dark-haired girl heading into the hotel together. She later leaves, only for Thompson to follow a short time later. He then gets into the same vehicle where the woman is waiting. With video proof, it will be hard for Khloe to turn a blind eye to the situation. Reports say she is eager to head home to her family. They have rallied around the star for emotional support as she sets her sights on delivering the baby on her own without Thompson by her side.
Insider source reveals family’s original distrust
According to People, an inside source revealed that the Kardashian family has always had a distrust for Thompson.
Her family had previously raised concerns to Khloe that he may not be the best choice for her. He had, after all, just left his pregnant girlfriend. Thompson was also yet another basketball player -- just like Lamar Odom, to whom Khloe K. was previously married. Khloe fell in love with Tristan, however, and wanted her family to like him, so they learned to accept him in their lives. It now seems as though they were right to not trust him and his cheating ways.
The family is hoping this is nothing but a set-up, and so far have not commented on the validity of the rumors. They simply want to be there for Khloe as she gives birth and make sure she has the most peaceful time possible leading up to the arrival of her baby.