Teresa Giudice and the cast of "The Real Housewives of New Jersey," including two new cast members, are set to begin production on the upcoming ninth season of the Bravo TV reality show next week. According to a new report, Giudice recently hosted an event in Washington, D. C., and while in town, the mother of four revealed a number of interesting details about the new installment.
On March 12, All About the Real Housewives shared tweets from Bravo Is Life on Twitter, who was present during the event and shared information regarding Giudice's statements about season nine.
In addition to confirming the filming start date of season nine as March 20, Giudice said that potential new cast members were filming test sessions with the network. However, as she explained, only one of the two new cast members will be given a full-time role on the show. The other will take on a part-time role, much like the one Danielle Staub had last year.
Jacqueline Goldschneider and Jennifer Aydin are filming for 'RHONJ' season nine
Although Teresa Giuidice hasn't yet met the new cast members, including Jacqueline Goldschneider and Jennifer Aydin, she said that Margaret Josephs recently attended a test filming with Goldschneider and revealed Dolores Catania has filmed with Aydin. As for how the two new housewives are tied to the cast of "The Real Housewives Of New Jersey," Goldschneider is said to be a close friend of Jacqueline Laurita while Aydin is close to Kathy Wakile, the cousin of Giudice.
Will Caroline Manzo and Jacqueline Laurita return to 'RHONJ'?
Earlier this year, rumors began swirling in regard to the possibility of Caroline Manzo and Jacqueline Laurita returning to "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" for the show's ninth season. However, according to Teresa Giudice, the ladies were never in talks to come back to the show and put out the story only for publicity.
Giudice also said that if she had to be stuck in an elevator with someone, she'd love for that someone to be Laurita because she'd enjoy the chance to beat the crap out of her.
Prior to the return rumors, Siggy Flicker, who appeared on season seven and season eight, announced that she would no longer be appearing on the show.
As she explained, she preferred to walk away from the drama and focus on things that truly matter to her, including her family and her career outside of reality television.
"The Real Housewives of New Jersey" season nine will air on Bravo TV later this year.