Avid fans of the popular book series “A Song of Ice and Fire” all over the world have been waiting for the sixth installment for a very long time. “The Winds Of Winter” have been delayed so many times, leading some people to wonder that it will never be finished at all. But a reliable source detailed that George R. R. Martin might release the much-anticipated book later this year.

G. R. R. Martin finished writing the novel?

The mastermind behind the “Game of Thrones” series is surely taking his time writing the sixth installment of the worldwide phenomenon. When asked about the progress of the novel, he will usually answer, “I’m still working on it. I’m still months away.” Because of the delays, the American author has been treating fans with some spoilers and important clues about the upcoming book. He had also shared excerpts at different conferences in addition to his social media accounts and LiveJournal blog updates.

G.R. R. Martin revealed in 2016 that the “Winds of Winter” will have plenty of dark chapters.

The Telegraph reported that there will be more deaths and wars in the sixth book. He also said that the book will have a bittersweet ending.

His statement has led fans to believe that one major character will face death in “The Winds of Winter.” One popular theory entertained the idea of Jon Snow killing Daenerys Targaryen in order to sit on the Iron Throne. Other theories even suggest that Jon Snow is the reincarnation of Azor Ahai who killed his beloved Nissa Nissa. If this is true, it will offer more conflict to the story, making it more interesting for fans.

Major deaths in the next book?

Some fans also offer another speculation. According to them, history will repeat itself; Dany will commit suicide so that Jon would ascend to the Iron Throne.

This is a popular theory that came out after the seventh season of the HBO series “Game of Thrones.” The TV show concluded with Jon and Daenerys having sex, meaning they have finally acknowledged their feelings for one another. The same season also confirmed the blood relation between the two, meaning they are committing incest unknowingly.

These speculations may be true, but George R. R. Martin has yet to confirm or deny them. If you are one of those fans who have different theories about how the story will develop, you should relax for a while until the sixth book is released. But don’t keep your hopes up as G.R.R. Martin is also working on a Westerosi Encyclopedia called Fire and Blood. Trust us, the wait will be all worth it once the novel is completed.