Hands clasped, eyes down, girls. The Handmaid's Tale is back for Season Two.
Based on the acclaimed novel by Margaret Atwood, Hulu has confirmed that the Hit Show will return with two premiere episodes on April 25. Pretty much everyone’s back, and there will be new characters, too.
Big surprises and bizarre scenes
Big surprises and bizarre scenes (like a Handmaid's Funeral) are expected in the new Season.
While it has only been mentioned in the novel, there will be some exploration of the colonies as well, according to showrunner Bruce Miller.
During Season One, sexual-harassment and gender discrimination was very much on everybody’s mind, especially given the current political and cultural climate. The Handmaid's resistance efforts were a big influence and will continue to be in Season Two. In order to ensure that they stay realistic, even though this is a fantasy world, producers for the show have consulted with the UN and Human Rights Watch to ensure they know what they are writing about is grounded in reality.
Offred, played by Elizabeth Moss, will continue to be the main focus of the series. She will be a lot more rebellious and will be making more trouble as the season progresses.
One of the cruelest yet most interesting characters is Aunt Lydia, played by Ann Dowd. In the new season it is hinted that we may even be able to see some of Lydia‘s backstory and perhaps see what the life of an Aunt really looks like.
It is speculated that we will hear more about the resistance groups, including Mayday, in the next season. This is likely given that Ofsteven/Ofglen (Alexis Bledel) and Moira (Samira Wiley) will both be back on board and part of the rebellion.
We may even get to see more of the rest of the world outside of Gilead.
We’ve seen a hint of Canada as leaders of the resistance and Mexico looking to be partners for Handmaidens, but we may even get a broader view in the months to come.
The original Atwood novel depicts Gilead as a patriarchal society and very much white-worshipping. The race issue was absent in Season One but will take to the forefront during the coming season.
Expanding on the world of Gilead
Insisting that Season Two will not be “exiting that world“ (of the novel), Miller assures they will simply be expanding on what they have not yet been able to cover in Season One. Margaret Atwood will be remaining an active consultant as more invention will have to take place, given their excursions into as yet uncharted territories.
There are a lot of things in the book to inspire new episodes, and while nothing is confirmed, it is hoped that many more seasons will come.