The mood on “Nashville” this week for the second episode of Season 6, “Second Chances,” is definitely several shades brighter than last week's premiere. The story opens with Will (Chris Carmack) eager to make some more music with Gunnar (Sam Palladio), just for the fun of it, not because Gunnar necessarily needs more help to find his groove again. Scarlett (Clare Bowen) and Gunnar see each other at the market, but neither one acknowledges the other's presence, not sure of how to make conversation as non-partners. Juliette (Hayden Panettiere) can’t wait for more time with Darius (Josh Stamberg), but instead, she gets put on a work detail.
Deacon (Charles Esten) decides that now is the time to rekindle his relationship with Jessie (Kaitlin Doubleday), but will they find the spark?
Nice and easy
Maddie (Lennon Stella) wakes up confused, trying to read the signals from Jonah Ford after their romantic date in midair, but she’s older now, and not ready to rush anything. All Deacon wants to know is a good recommendation for a restaurant which allows quiet conversation, but he only gets “looks” about his connection with Jessie.
Will and Gunnar decide to play together again on the market stage, and it doesn't take long for the fun and creative fire to blaze, besides playfully teasing a female in the audience. Avery feels envious watching the show, yearning to be on his own stage.
Scarlett and Gunnar dodge each other shopping, while Jessie and Deacon still have warm feelings. He calls her to ask her on a date, but she hesitates, saying it's not the time to leave her son. Deacon persists, and Jessie calls back. They decided that just calling it “dinner” works best.
Speaking of work, Juliette wants more sit-down time in Darius’ office, probing her inner needs, failings, and secrets, but instead, she gets a tour of the compound and realizes that this is where Enwright’s devotees live when they are not at work.
Despite her excuses, she is recruited for a community work detail rebuilding houses. What a treat for “Nashville” fans to see the diva trade in her designer shoes for work boots, and be told to get her own ice when she shoots herself with her staple gun. She gets joy from her bonding with genuine people, just as she did with the church congregation in Season 5.
The tough part is that she has another real life as Juliette Barnes -- it's complicated.
Nights out
Even Daphne (Maisy Stella) makes a different kind of relationship connection, deciding to befriend Jake Maitland, the son of Jessie Caine, at school. He quips that it would have been awful if their parents had stayed together. This could get interesting.
Will and Gunnar literally lasso Avery (Jonathan Jackson) into playing a gig together, even bringing a babysitter for Cadence in tow. The chemistry kicks right off and feeds the fire of all three artists to keep up this “free-wheelin’” from the stage.
Scarlett has her own successful performance, singing a song that is sure to be a “Nashville” download favorite, “No Normal in This World,” but running into her devoted fan, Nadine, and her mother, at an art showing, makes her realize that she thrives most on helping others from her platform, not on the fame or the stage lights.
Jessie and Deacon stumble all over each other in conversation. He is trying to still devote himself to music while running Highway 65, and she says she has given up the music and gone back to school because life is better for Jake that way. They decide to keep their relationship as friends rather than lovers. They hug fondly to end their date, but Deacon runs back, giving Jessie a passionate kiss, with more to follow. The next day at school, they meet dropping kids off, and she texts, “What have we done?” while they smile from rearview mirrors.
The ice finally breaks between Gunnar and Scarlett, and they share a peaceable conversation, ending with smiles. Juliette shares some brief words with Darius, apparently thriving at the compound after dinner. The only thing that’s clear from her face when she returns to her “Nashville” home is that she doesn’t want to be there.
Season 6 continues to be a big adventure.