“Nashville” could have crossed genres and borrowed the line from the Eurythmics hit, “Sweet Dreams,” instead of the Patsy Cline version for the Season 6 premiere, “New Strings,” on January 4. Everyone in the familiar “Nashville” circle was looking for something so hard to find. The debut episode of the farewell season caught up with everyone, found them searching, hopeless, and alone. Starting over is never easy, but everyone has to start somewhere, even if they fall for some bad directions.
Solitude and still raging
Deacon (Charles Esten) has no interest in the excuse of New Year's Eve to reenter the dating scene, disregarding Scarlett’s (Clare Bowen) prompts to pop the bubbly on new relationship possibilities.
Scarlett is still recovering from the loss of her baby, the loss of Gunnar in her life, and the loss of her own identity that was always submerged in the relationship. She adores being connected to Maddie and Daphne (Lennon and Maisy Stella) but is done doing nanny duties on a permanent basis.
The family managed to get through Christmas, and Deacon is content with his Teddy Roosevelt biography, so he protests, when Maddie gets a call for an appearance on a major network for New Year's Eve, featuring a roster of big names. Deacon is disappointed but wants to support his daughter’s dreams, so off she goes, with Scarlett in tow as chaperone—again.
Perfectionism is rampant as Juliette (Hayden Panettiere) tries to launch her tour and career again after Deacon’s blessing of forgiveness.
The serenity she found in faith and genuine friends is scattered to the wind when every detail doesn’t fall together as she demands. Avery (Jonathan Jackson) and Glenn (Ed Armatrudo) already see big red flags, and Avery even urges postponing the whole tour.
Gunnar (Sam Palladio) has made a big change -- in hair color -- and is trying to have more fun as a blonde, but Will (Chris Carmack) is his most consistent companion.
The hole in his heart left in Scarlett's place has cost him in his performance mojo, so Will offers to coach him back to stage fitness, and build his confidence as a solo performer.
Romance and more wrong decisions?
Show-runners Edward Zwick and Marshall Herskowitz have brought a new depth to the characters’ inner lives, and the looks alone are worth millions as Juliette's core supporters show up for her first concert.
Another treat is that the six kernels of songs featured could become full-fledged favorites. Deacon gets a few dagger-stab comments from Jessie’s ex-husband, Brad, such a “tool” as Zach describes, but his character is such a sleaze that he is delicious to watch. Will has to endure an introduction to “perfect Mark,” now with Zach.
It was Daphne who was so enamored to meet Jonah Ford at Maddie's show that she was even willing to ditch her dad, but Maddie discovers that it is Ford who arranged to bring her there, and he is completely smitten in her presence, no matter the distraction from his female throng. When a meeting in the studio doesn’t happen, Maddie and Scarlett decide to head home. Scarlett already had a forlorn conversation with her uncle about him being at the top of her call list now.
On their way out, Jonah offers to make it up to Maddie by flying her home in his own plane. The two share dessert, champagne, and a definite connection in flight.
Juliette takes the stage, but allows some disparaging signs (“You’re no Rayna!”) held up by detractors to destroy her night. She delivers a tangent from the mic stand about how she is no different than anyone else, simply wanting to be loved, and leaves the stage. Avery insists that more needs to be done than simply canceling the New Year's Eve party, and he and Juliette set off for a getaway that doesn't solve Juliette's insomnia or despair.
Lounging in the lobby, she encounters a mysterious self-help guru, Darius, who seems to already know her, and all about her latest downfall.
His mind control mantra is that she must relinquish control to gain control. She finds him while channel surfing, and she finds a coincidence in the timing, telling him on New Year's Eve that she is ready. She goes to his headquarters of the Movement for Coherent Philosophy, slowly falling for the Svengali's spell as he describes his “she Bible.” He starts to lash out during a confrontational radio appearance, but puts the “count to 10 and feel the pain” technique to use. She describes that she has been struggling with depression, and will put her tour on hold until it is resolved. Juliette seems doomed again, as her “daddy issues” and desperate need for approval lead her down another dark path with a dangerous guide.
Gunnar falters in his New Year's Eve performance, and like a faithful friend, Will jumps alongside to maintain the spirit. Maddie surprises her dad, and he makes the bold move of beginning a dating profile on a site called Kissmet. Scarlett is comforted by finding pictures from the past.
A lot more than strings will be new in Season 6 of “Nashville.” Finding personal peace is something beyond anything gurus, guitars, or even new love can give, but this journey trying to get there could be so worth the ride, and not boring for a second. Plus, the music along the way never disappoints.