The Duggar family have come under fire for many reasons in the past year. For example, just last month, Duggar family member Derick Dillard got into a lot of trouble online after he said some very mean things towards transgender Jazz Jennings. Well, now the family has just got into trouble online for their strict Dress Code, because it is potentially very dangerous. You can now continue to read below to find out why this Duggar dress code is apparently unsafe to anyone that follows it, according to a few fans online.
Why nobody should follow this dangerous dress code
The discussion among online Duggar fans and critics regarding this dress code revolves around a picture that was posted online. The picture in question was of Jinger and Joseph when they were kids, and in the photograph, the siblings are playing in the snow. However, a few fans were quick to notice that Jinger, in the photo, is wearing a coat and a long skirt with tights while playing in the snow. You see, the women in the Duggar family are only allowed to wear long skirts that cover them to their knees, and they aren’t allowed to wear pants at all, even in the snow.
Jinger wearing a skirt and thin tights while playing in the snow made some Duggar fans furious. It is obvious that this picture would make people angry, because Jinger could have gotten hypothermia. However, if you have had kids before, then you would know that going out in the snow wearing a long skirt with tights isn’t that big of a deal. Jinger was still covered with heavy clothing in the snow, so there was no way she could have been freezing cold. It is worth mentioning that now a few women in the family can be seen wearing pants. First, it started with Jinger wearing her now-signature skinny jeans, and now even the mother of the family Michelle Duggar can be seen wearing pants.
What are the Duggar family up to now?
Some fans complaining about the Duggar family’s fashion choices is not all the family have been up to. Another controversy that lingers is that of Derick Dillard, and his wife Jill, being accused of stealing from disaster victims online. Dillard set up a personal fundraising page for himself around the time Hurricane Harvey hit Houston. This made the site hosting the fundraising page shut it down, as they too thought that Dillard was trying to take money away from the victims of the horrific tragedy. To keep up with the Duggar family, you can always follow them on their social media profiles.