The two-word hashtag went viral in the wake of Harvey Weinstein's Sexual Harassment allegations. So many people who had experienced sexual harassment and assault came forward. It even cost some high profile Hollywood personalities losing their jobs and having their reputations tarnished.
Some of these Hollywood personalities who have admitted to the allegations against them include; Ben Affleck, Chef John Besh, Leon Wieseltier, Mark Halperin, Kevin Spacey and famed photographer Terry Richardson.
It cost some of these men losing their jobs and the declarations have sparked a nationwide discussion on sexual harassment.
The beginning of #MeToo
The phrase can be traced back to 2006 as part of a grassroots campaign against sexual harassment on black girls. Tarana Burke, a social activist had heard the confessions of a 13-year-old girl experiencing sexual abuse at the hands of her mother's boyfriend.
At the time, Burke was not able to deal with the information. According to Urban News, Burke had also gone through sexual violence. She said that hearing those two words changed her healing process.
She realized that most kids do not have the courage to go to the police and file a report. The campaign aimed to promote empowerment through empathy.
On October 2017, actress Alyssa Milano encouraged people to come out following accusations against Harvey Weinstein. This was to let people know the magnitude of the problem.
Over ten thousand people responded to Milano's tweet including notable actors and actresses. Some responded to the tweet with their own experiences of sexual harassment and abuse. Popular celebrities who tweeted the "Me Too" hashtag include, Lady Gaga, Gabrielle Union, Rosario Dawson and Anna Paquin. It was discovered that the Hollywood revelations were just a tip of the iceberg, sexual harassment and abuse is actually a global issue if the international response is anything to go by.
What next after #MeToo?
One great thing the campaign has ignited is inviting men at the table and not treating sexual violence as a woman's issue. #MeToo places an active role on men in combating sexual harassment and abuse through re-education. According to A Call to Man's approach, the "boy code" put on men as they mature needs to be reviewed. They describe the behavioral rules and regulations placed on men as limiting.
As women and men alike come forward with their experiences, men are responding using the hashtags, "HowIWillChange," "IHearYou" and " IWillSpeakUp."