Comedian and late night talk show host, Jimmy Kimmel, has been a very vocal critic of the Trump administration's attempts to Repeal and Replace the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. In his latest monologue for "Jimmy Kimmel Live," the comedian trolled Trump supporters by introducing a brand new "Trumpcare" commercial. During the monologue, Kimmel said that he supports "Trumpcare."
Returning from his break
Kimmel has now returned to hosting his late night talk show after taking a break to take care of his son, Billy, the primary reason why he's very vocal about healthcare.
Several guests, including Channing Tatum and Shaquille O'Neal, temporarily took over hosting duties for the funnyman.
As usual, Kimmel started his monologue by talking about President Donald J. Trump, who is currently visiting Asia. "Still no mushroom cloud," Kimmel joked as he talked about the tense situation involving North Korea and its neighbors. In particular, Kimmel talked about Trump's visit to South Korea, where he told the country's president that "it will all work out." Kimmel then reminded Trump that this may work in the movies, but not in real life. "Bruce Willis is not gonna show up to save us on this one," Kimmel joked.
"Supporting Trumpcare"
The funnyman then talked about the one-year anniversary of Donald Trump's election victory.
Kimmel took a look back at his presidency and blasted him for playing golf for a record 70 times. He then talked about a "new healthcare plan," which Kimmel says covers pre-existing conditions, no lifetime caps, and other benefits. He then proceeded to call this new plan "Trumpcare."
Kimmel then went on to describe this new plan and said that it is "surprisingly affordable especially for people making under $50,000.
" He talked about the benefits and even said: "So even if you don’t support President Trump watch this, keep an open mind." He then proceeded to play a fake commercial about this new plan.
But while the commercial about this "new healthcare plan" called "Trumpcare" sounded serious, it was in fact, only a joke. The commercial was talking about the embattled Affordable Care Act, which the Republicans and Trump have been trying to repeal and replace.
In fact, the commercial even mentioned where to sign up, and that is Obamacare's official website, He also urged people to share this new information with everyone. But even though it was fake, the commercial seems to have fooled plenty of people, some of whom thought Kimmel was really "siding with Trump."