Kendra Caldwell and Joseph Duggar may have just tied the knot in an over-the-top Duggar-style ceremony, but that doesn't mean the pair are immune to scandal. The pair, whose courtship was filmed for the TLC cameras, were evidently caught breaking one of the family's courting rules, which has lead to a mini-scandal within the Duggar fanbase. The Duggar Family is known for their strict rules involving dating, in which couples who are not yet engaged can only side-hug a certain number of times per day and cannot kiss or hug from the front. They may progress to holding hands once they have gotten engaged and may front-hug and kiss once they have said, "I do." However, these rules are easy to mess up, as many of Joseph's older siblings can attest to.

Kendra and Joe caught without a chaperone

Since physical affection is pretty much forbidden until marriage in the Duggar family, the Duggar children are required to have a chaperone with them at all times to keep them accountable for their actions. This goes to such an extreme that Kendra and Joe were required to have a chaperone so that they could drive in the car to Jessa, Joe's sister's house.

Apparently, however, the pair haven't always had a chaperone, as footage from a picnic the pair took showed them completely alone without anyone to monitor them. Kendra and Joe sat on a picnic blanket, totally "alone" while they discussed their future plans as a married couple. The pair, however, were obviously chaperoned by the TLC crew, but fans have called them out for not having someone from their fold with them, which is typically required of the family.

Joe's siblings break courtship rules

Joe's siblings have also admitted to breaking courtship rules in the past. Jill Duggar Dillard accidentally gave her now-husband a front hug when he returned from living in Nepal as she was so overcome with emotions when seeing her then-boyfriend. Joy-Anna Duggar Forsyth and her husband Austin have also admitted to breaking the rules in the past.

The pair accidentally front hugged after his proposal to Joy, and later, Austin admitted that the pair stayed up after curfew speaking to one another. He did not clarify if this meant they were speaking online or texting, but that is definitely forbidden in the Duggar clan.

Kendra and Joe have been happily married for several weeks. As it is Duggar tradition to announce a pregnancy three months from the wedding date, many are anxiously awaiting the news that Kendra is expecting.