"Megyn Kelly Today" show has been airing for two weeks on NBC. In that short period of time, Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb have noticed that the rating for Kelly's show is affecting theirs. So far, Kathie Lee and Hoda's rating is down eight percent. The two hosts are furious that their rating has taken a sudden nosedive since the former Fox News star has been the lead-in for their show. Not only is the fourth-hour rating down, the hosts have noticed that they are also losing live studio audience members.
Hosts' reactions
Both hosts are upset, but Hoda, 53, has decided not to make waves.
Kathie Lee, 64, is handling it differently. She is expressing her views to the executives. She even said she had warned them that something like this would happen. The executives who were not involved in the hiring process are also concerned. They think this is something they have to deal with for the next three years because that's the length of Kelly's contract.
Kelly's criticisms
Megyn Kelly's new show premiered on September 25. There were several things that did not go well the very first week, and there were many criticisms on social media. Some of those who tuned in criticized Kelly for the way she handled an interview with a superfan of "Will & Grace." She asked him if the show played a major part in his decision to become gay.
Debra Messing said she thought she was going to be on the "Today" show. Instead, she and her co-stars ended up on the new show which she regrets.
Then on Wednesday, Kelly was criticized again. That time it was for asking 79-year-old Jane Fonda about her plastic surgery when she and Robert Redford were there to promote their new Netflix movie, "Our Souls at Night." Fonda quickly changed the subject and said she was there to talk about the movie.
There were some other areas where Megyn came up short in the first two weeks of hosting. The Daily Beast described Megyn's first week as a train wreck.
'Live with Kelly and Ryan'
"Megyn Kelly Today" and "Live With Kelly and Ryan" air at the same time, so naturally there is a rating battle going on between the two shows. On Megyn's first day, her show had more viewers than Kelly Ripa and Ryan Seacrest's show.
It is really too soon to say which show will eventually win the battle. However, time will tell.
Hopefully, things will work out with Kathie Lee and Hoda's show. One thing for sure is that everyone will be waiting to see how the ratings will turn out.