Although the Duggar family holds very conservative Christian values, the oldest son, Josh Duggar, has been caught in both child molestation and cheating scandals. The father-of-five was not only revealed to have molested four of his sisters and one unnamed young woman, but has also confessed to cheating on his wife of nine years, Anna Duggar.
Now, it seems derick dillard, Jill Duggar Dillard's husband, has unwittingly put himself in hot water with cryptic social media posts about infidelity. While some wondered if it was directed toward Josh and his "sins," others have decided that perhaps it was a confession of his own issues in his relationship with Jill.
Clues there may be issues in their marriage
Jill Duggar has been somewhat quiet on social media since she gave birth to her second son, Samuel Scott. Because she had been so quiet, some fans have suspected that something was wrong with little Samuel. Jill had even quoted a few scriptures about "hard times" on her Instagram, which led viewers to believe that Samuel was ill or that Jill was suffering from postpartum depression. However, now that Derick has tweeted about infidelity, many are wondering if those tweets were really about having a difficult time in her own marriage.
Derick's tweets about infidelity
Derick has caused quite a stir on social media over the past few months, as he supports conservative politicians and announced recently that the US is the least racist country in the world.
But he caused a storm in his personal life by tweeting Proverbs 6:32, showing that those who commit adultery lack sense and destroy themselves. He also tweeted that one should stay away from the adulteress with her "smooth words" and speaks of a "forbidden woman," which may be in reference to someone he has grown a little too close with in the past few months.
While most are suspecting that Derick is talking about either himself or Jill's older brother, Josh (many fans alluded to the fact that he must have a "guilty conscience in order to tweet this,") some have wondered if it was Jill who cheated on her man. It would definitely be less likely that a Duggar woman would be the cheater given the dynamics of the family's patriarchal values, but that doesn't mean that it wouldn't happen. Therefore, it is possible that Jill has strayed from her marriage in the past few weeks, and that Derick is tweeting about how difficult it is for them.