Time flies fast as “Supergirlseason 3 finally returns on October 9. The upcoming season will immediately address the issues of the previous season’s finale, particularly Mon-el’s (Chris Wood) unexpected departure.

Anyone can relate how this heartbreaking and traumatic moment would bring so much pain to National City’s beloved hero. In result, viewers will see Supergirl keeping herself busy, throwing herself at work. While her decision to send Mon-el away was a bit sudden, the situation had to be done for the safety of everyone.

Unfortunately, she was not able to handle the event’s aftermath, causing her to push aside the human persona as Kara Danvers.

Supergirl finds her way back

According to Entertainment Weekly, the theme of “Supergirl” Season 3 will tackle humanity. This, of course, will relate not only to the characters but also to the viewers. When the upcoming season picks up, fans will see Supergirl concluding that Kara Danvers was a total mistake. She thinks that having Mon-el, human goals and dreams of being a journalist reporter at CatCo were all a mistake.

Kara Zor-el pointed out how all these human aspects only bring her pain. And that she should only do the things she is good at being Supergirl and saving people.

The first episode will showcase how Supergirl finds her way back to be the Kara Danvers that she was.

What it means to be a human

It was revealed that J’onn j’onzz (David Harewood) is set to discover he is not the last Green Martian. He will be meeting his father in Season 3, M’yrnn (Carl Lumbly). On the other hand, Alex Danvers (Chyler Leigh) will also find out what she needs to have a complete life with her other half Maggie Sawyer (Floriana Lima).

Lastly, the main villain named Reign (Odette Annable) is clueless about her origin as a bio-engineered creation from Krypton. We have previously reported that she will initially be living in National City as Samantha ‘Sam’ Arias. She is expected to bring real trouble to the major characters. Her special connection to some of them will cause the team to divide.

Series executive producer Andrew Kreisberg explained that viewers have not really seen a “big bad become the big bad.”

It seems like Reign will be a normal citizen first in the city living her normal life. The show’s avid followers will see her journey towards being the main antagonist. Kreisberg hinted that Sam wouldn't take things well as she discovers herself as one of the finest world killers. Therefore, most major character in “Supergirl” Season 3 will experience what it means to be a human. The consequences and pain.