Brad Pitt has been the latest victim to online rumors. There have been floods of fake news about the actor's supposed relationship with fellow actress Ella Purnell. The media has clung n to some connections between Angelina Jolie and Purnell and has claimed that Pitt has gone after a look alike of his life. This news has been proven false and it has been confirmed that Ella has no interest in dating her co-star.
The actor is reportedly dating someone new
According to the Mirror, there have been several reports that Brad Pitt has a new girlfriend.
The girlfriend in question is actress Ella Purnell. The media have noticed the rumors and have made several reports about their supposed romantic relationship. The couple has been linked have been to a TV series titled and fans took this as further proof of their romantic relationship.
In a report by the Sun, Ella Purnell has claimed that Brad Pitt is her idol. The actress has admitted to having a huge crush on the actor when she was younger and it appears that the media outlets have held onto this information. Purnell is thirty-one years Pitt's senior but their age gap was not something, which was considered during the initial reports about their relationship.
In a report by the Mirror, Ella Purnell played a younger version of Angelina Jolie in the movie "Maleficent." Comparisons have been drawn between the looks of Purnell and Jolie and some members of the public have claimed that Pitt is trying to date a look-alike of his wife, from whom he is separated.
The rumors are untrue
According to the Mirror, these rumors are completely fabricated. A source close to British actress Ella Purnell has confirmed that the couple is not an item. The source has confirmed that Ella ha no interest in dating Brad Pitt as there is a huge age gap between the couple. Ella is highly appreciative o the attention she has received from Pitt however, they are only friends.
In a report by InTouch, there are claims that Ella Purnell enchanted Brad Pitt, as she looked so much like Angelina Jolie. A source close to Pitt has claimed that the actor quickly set his sight son Purnell and was excited to get to know her. However, these report s have since been proven false, as the source has refused to identify themselves.
It has been confirmed by the Sun, that these rumors started due to the nature of the working relationship between Angelina Jolie and Ella Purnell. Brad Pitt and Purnell have not been linked in another way other than that of a working relationship. Neither Ella nor Brad have commented on these claims leading to the belief that there is nothing going on between the pair.
Brad Pitt has not had a serious relationship since he split with Angelina Jolie in 2016. It is thought that the actors currently trying to win his wife back.