Republican senator and Evangelical Christian Ted Cruz's official Twitter account was caught "liking" a porn tweet earlier this week, and has since come under fire for what took place. After the Texas senator attempted to explain himself on cable news, he instantly became the butt of the joke on Twitter, with even some in Hollywood speaking out
Cruz on controversy
During the 2016 presidential election, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz was one of 16 name to run in the Republican primary. While Donald Trump ultimately came away with the win, and later the presidency, Cruz was the last man standing to take on the billionaire real estate mogul.
During the primary, Trump was relentless, giving Cruz the nickname of "Lyin' Ted," while also promoting an unfounded conspiracy published by the National Enquirer that claimed the senator had cheated on his wife with five different women. Fast forward to earlier this week and Cruz is once again caught up in an embarrassing scandal. The official Twitter account for Cruz was busted for "liking" a porn tweet on Twitter. As expected, the Tea Party favorite and proud member of the religious right was quick to dismiss the allegations, writing them off as nothing more than a "staff error." As seen during an interview with CNN on September 13, Cruz has decided to break his silence on the issue at hand.
Sitting down with CNN's Dana Bash on Wednesday was Ted Cruz, and the aforementioned topic of internet porn was brought up. Cruz continued his defense, saying the action wasn't "malicious," but really nothing more than a mistake by a staffer who "accidentally hit the wrong button."
Ted Cruz Explains Twitter Porn Like Wasn't ‘Malicious’: Staffer ‘Accidentally Hit the Wrong Button’ (VIDEO)
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) September 13, 2017
At this point, Dana Bash then questioned Ted Cruz on his previous position in Texas where he supported a ban on purchasing sex toys.
Cruz brushed off the allegation, claiming it was just the "liberal media" being "obsessed with sex." "Consenting adults should be able to do whatever they want in their bedrooms," Cruz added.
Twitter reacts
In response the Twitter porn controversy surrounding Ted Cruz, social media was quick to poke fun at the senator, including top celebrities sounding off.
"(TC)swears it was a staffer, not him, liking porn on his Twitter & he plans to punish that staffer by never ever revealing their name," John Fugelsang tweeted.
The only thing worse than imagining Ted Cruz watching porn is imagining Ted Cruz in one.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) September 13, 2017
Ted Cruz swears it was a staffer, not him, liking porn on his Twitter & he plans to punish that staffer by never ever revealing their name.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) September 13, 2017
its genuinely heartwarming to me that literally the entire internet can pause to laugh together at ted cruz pounding off
— jon hendren (@fart) September 12, 2017
"If you were Ted Cruz, how would you have pivoted from porn to tax?
'Dana, you know what gets me hot? Lowering corporate tax rates,'" Sam Stein sarcastically added. "Maybe Ted Cruz doesn't masterb8, maybe watches porn &gets all pent up then unleashes his frustrations on poor people& gay people," actor John Leguizamo posted.
Mayb Ted Cruz doesnt masterb8, mayb watches porn &gets all pent up then unleashes his frustrations on poor people& gay people."
— John Leguizamo (@JohnLeguizamo) September 13, 2017
If you were Ted Cruz, how would you have pivoted from porn to tax?
— Sam Stein (@samstein) September 13, 2017
“Dana, you know what gets me hot? Lowering corporate tax rates"
"The only thing worse than imagining Ted Cruz watching porn is imagining Ted Cruz in one," George Takei tweeted out. The mockery and trolling of Cruz continued as the senator from the Lone Star State does his best to deflect from the issue at hand.