"Outlander" season 3 episode 3 titled "All Debts Paid" is one episode that has marked the minds of the show's viewers. It also gave some highlights to the characters of Tobias Menzies as Black Jack Randall and Frank Randall. The episode features the death of both characters with Black Jack collapsing on Jamie's (Sam Heughan) arm while Frank died in a car accident.

Following the death of her husband Frank, things begin to unfold once again for Claire (Caitriona Balfe) as she starts her search for the man she truly loves. The passing of Frank isn't easy for Claire especially as they tried to work on their marriage.

Although many consider Frank a hindrance to the romance of fan-favorite couple Jamie and Claire, he isn't that bad after all.

Caitriona on her marriage with Frank

According to Mashable, Balfe clarified that Frank isn't a bad husband even if he had a mistress. The actress said that Frank would really look for another woman since she cannot reciprocate his love for her. She said that everyone gives Frank a bad rap but he just needs to find things outside of their marriage. It is obvious that Claire still loves Jamie and Frank can't-do anything about that.

The star added that the victim in that marriage is actually Frank. Even if he knows that Claire loves someone else, Frank continues to love her and he still really wants her.

Unfortunately, Claire is not acting out to save their marriage since her heart belongs to Jamie. She already experienced true love with Jamie and she knows that she cannot feel that from someone else.

When Frank died, Balfe revealed that Claire regretted that she took Frank's love for granted. She only realized all this while she was saying goodbye to Frank.

But, apparently, it's too late.

Claire looks for Jamie

However, it is never too late for Claire and Jamie. With that, Claire starts her search for Jamie and she does that with their daughter Brianna (Sophie Skelton) and with the help of Roger (Richard Rankin). They research about Jamie in history books where they will find out that Jamie is working as a groomsman in a noble family.

In the upcoming episode, Jamie will be involved in an intriguing matter of the aristocratic family that he serves. While tending to the horses in their house where Lord John Grey (David Berry) left him, a young lady tries to flirt with him. He will be forced to go to the lady’s room one night.

The synopsis of the "Outlander" season 3 episode 4 reveals that there will be a baby involved and his master is not happy about what is happening. In fact, a pistol is drawn which makes things more intense.

Watch the next episode of "Outlander" season 3 titled "Of Lost Things" every Sunday night at 8 PM EDT on Starz.