Leonardo DiCaprio might portray The Joker in the upcoming spin-off movie featuring the story of Batman's most famous villain. Rumored producer Martin Scorsese has allegedly mentioned the actor as one of the choices for the role, The Hollywood Reporter said.

The award-winning actor has worked closely with Scorsese. With him on board, he might just be convinced to reprise the role in the new movie.

Along with Warner Bros, he is in talks to produce a spin-off movie that will solely focus one of Batman’s most celebrated villains.

At the moment, there are no official announcements yet about DiCaprio’s possible portrayal of the role. Even Scorsese’s participation had not been finalized yet, according to Comic Books Galaxy said.

It was reported that DC and Warner Bros are working on a Joker spin-off movie that will delve into his past, and set in the 1980s. Todd Phillips and Scott Silver are speculated to write the script.

A Warner Bros actor

The 42-year-old actor has become among the most sought-after celebrities in Hollywood, despite the trend of not starring in franchise pictures such as the DC movies.

He is known for his performances in James Cameron’s “Titanic,” Christopher Nolan’s “Inception,” and Alejandro Inarritu’s “The Revenant,” which snagged him an Oscar award.

However, DiCaprio has been connected with various Warner Bros films as well. One of the most remarkable movies he did with the production company was “The Great Gatsby,” from the classic book by F. Scott Fitzgerald. He portrayed the character of millionaire Jay Gatsby, set in 1920s New York.

The upcoming Joker movie will be part of the DC-inspired films previously made by the company but will be set in a different universe. The Hollywood Reporter said there are no comments yet from Warner Bros representatives, or even from Scorsese, with regards to the rumors of him playing The Joker.

Film producer

The rumored producer of the Joker film has worked with thriller and dark comedy films before.

According to Comic Books Galaxy, various speculations on the “Titanic” actor playing the role were heavily influenced by the movie “Taxi Driver.”

It has been reported earlier that the team is taking inspiration from “Taxi Driver” to create a crime thriller for the new spin-off about the villain, especially with Scorsese possibly working as the movie’s producer. More details are expected to be unveiled in the coming weeks.