Leah Messer noticed that something was wrong with the way her daughter was placing her foot on an earlier season of "Teen Mom 2." At the time, she and Corey Simms didn't realize what they were dealing with. They thought she was just developing a bit oddly and it was something they could fix with some physical therapy. For years, they struggled to figure out what was wrong, and Ali was eventually diagnosed with muscular dystrophy.

She has been using a wheelchair when it becomes too hard for her to walk, but Ali is determined to walk like her sisters and friends. She doesn't want to be treated differently, and this is tough for her mother.

According to a new Instagram post, Leah Messer is now revealing that her daughter is daring to try new things, and she proudly posted a photo of Ali in the baseball diamond. For months, she has revealed that Ali has done everything her sister Aleeah has done, including cheerleading, dancing, and playing sports of various kinds.

This past weekend Ali decided to become the catcher in the baseball game, and Corey could not be more proud of his daughter.

Leah, on the other hand, reveals she was terrified.

Getting involved with sports

"Can you guess who is catching here? Dad gave them the go and I was a bit terrified. Typical right? She did so great!!" Leah Messer revealed on Instagram, showing a picture of her daughter in the baseball diamond.

It's great that Ali is trying new things to see what she's able to do. She constantly wants to challenge herself, and Corey has always been her biggest supporter. If Ali doesn't want to use the wheelchair, Corey has always been the one who has encouraged her to drop it.

He wants the best for his daughter and he doesn't want her to feel like she's different. Leah, on the other hand, wants her daughter to take care of herself and use her wheelchair often to avoid pain and discomfort.

Not always in agreement

On "Teen Mom 2," fans have seen how Corey and Leah Messer are not always in agreement. While they both want the best for their daughter, it sounds like it isn't always the same. While Leah believes her daughter would be better off in a wheelchair to avoid falling and getting hurt, Corey seems to think that it would be best for her to fit in with her siblings and friends despite being a girl with special needs.

Ali seems to fall somewhere in the middle. She wants to fit in and be like her sisters, but sometimes she gets tired and wants her wheelchair.

What do you think of Leah Messer's daughter trying new things in sports?