“Big Brother 19” rumors present some exciting news on social media this evening. Information about the latest Eviction Ceremony, who the final four houseguests are, and who won the latest Head of Household Competition may have been leaked by someone close to production. Are these leaked “Big Brother 19” spoilers to be believed?
The Twitter account for a fan site called Big Brother Gossip may have had information about what is taking place behind the scenes.
Noting that the information comes from someone close to the production team, they have been releasing a stream of notes straight to Twitter. These posts are creating quite a stir on social media, but point to some predictable information getting confirmed by the “Big Brother 19” rumors.
Who got evicted, who is the final four, and who won the HOH?
If these “Big Brother 19” spoilers can be trusted, Alex Ow was just evicted by a 2-1 vote. This vote total means that the votes were split and that it was Josh Martinez who ended up sending Alex to the “BB19” jury. That’s not what he promised Alex, so this is a decision that could come back to haunt him if it is true.
Now Alex definitely won’t vote for Josh if he makes it to the final two.
The original plan was to send Alex Ow out of the house tonight, so it isn’t too surprising that it happened. What is shocking is that Josh Martinez kept claiming if it was a split vote that he was going to evict Kevin Schlehuber, but when given a chance, he balked at the decision. To make it worse for Josh, Paul Abrahamian ended up winning the latest HOH Competition.
What is going to happen during the next Eviction Ceremony?
Paul Abrahamian convinced everyone to throw an earlier HOH Competition so that Christmas Abbott could win it and then this past week he constructed it so that Josh Martinez would become the HOH. There are some “Big Brother 19” rumors suggesting Paul got them to throw it to him this week.
Would Josh, Christmas, and Kevin let Paul take charge of the final four powers in the “BB19” house?
There hasn’t been any information leaked about who the nominees for eviction are going to be or who Paul Abrahamian is targeting for eviction. If he sticks with the original plan, then Paul will take Josh Martinez and Christmas Abbott with him to the end. The importance of the upcoming Power of Veto Competition is everything, though, as the winner is safe from eviction. More “Big Brother 19” rumors about that could leak soon if the trend continues.