bethenny frankel has been busy saving the world lately, as she has stepped it up with her B Strong charity. After Hurricane Harvey hit Texas, Bethenny stepped up and decided to travel to Texas to help those in need. She revealed that she really wanted to help those women, who were doing things for others and putting others before themselves. Little did Frankel know that other storms and tragedies would strike.

Within just a few weeks, she was dealing with Hurricane Irma in Florida and two devastating earthquakes in Mexico. This week, Bethenny traveled to Mexico to provide supplies and water to people in need and she was devastated with what she saw.

When Bethenny Frankel traveled to Mexico, she brought her "The Real Housewives of New York" fans with her. She has been documenting her entire trip on social media and it is clear that she's devastated. But Frankel's trips are short. Within 48 hours, she had emptied out a few stores for water, supplies, and kits to help people in need. The reason is her daughter.

According to a new tweet, Bethenny Frankel is now revealing that she's traveling when Bryn is with Jason Hoppy, but she's going back to New York when she has time with her daughter.

Saving the world around daughter's schedule

It is admirable that Bethenny Frankel is taking so much time away from her business to help people in need, but it is even more admirable that she's there for her daughter. This week, she was back in New York again as another week with her daughter began. She knows that her role as a mother comes first, so she's doing everything possible to make sure that her daughter doesn't feel neglected.

As she points out, all of her destinations within the past three weeks have been crammed around her schedule with her daughter.

Even though some people would say that she's a bad mother, she's clearly proving that her daughter comes first.

Cancer-related surgery?

In the tweet, Bethenny Frankel is even joking about her busy schedule. She reveals that the surgery she's having tomorrow is a much-needed break. A few days ago, Bethenny revealed that she had been diagnosed with skin cancer and that she's lucky as she caught it early. She has already cut out a piece of her skin on her face, as she had a mole removed. But it sounds like this surgery tomorrow could be cancer-related, as she wants to remove whatever else they have found.

What do you think about Bethenny Frankel running a tight schedule to accommodate her daughter?