Zendaya is a well-known Disney Channel actor and model who recently sat down with her friend and assistant to watch her old YouTube videos. The pair filmed their reactions to Zendaya's younger self and the actor hilariously criticized herself stating that she was fake. The star shared her reaction video with fans and asked them not to judge her too harshly as she was young at the time.
Her assistant joined her as she explored her past videos
According to E! News the actor and model recently sat down with her assistant Darnell Appling to watch her old YouTube videos she posted when she was younger.
The pair were extremely excited to watch the past Zendaya in action and the actor admitted that she was slightly nervous about what she might find in the videos.
As they waded through her old videos Darnell and Zendaya were in stitches as her younger self-coined such terms as "Happy Smiley Faces." Zendaya recalled that she started the YouTube channel when she had been confirmed for the Disney Channel show "Shake It Up" with former co-star Bella Thorne.
Zendaya stated that at the time it seemed like a good idea and that she really thought she knew what she was doing. The star admitted that she was trying to build up her Disney brand through the videos, which were in hindsight extremely cringe worthy and embarrassing.
Zendaya commented on the cringe worthy videos
According to Elle, before the videos even started Zendaya pleaded with her audience not the judge her too harshly for what she was about to show them. She added that the version of herself seen in the videos is simply an extension of her character Rocky who she played on the Disney Channel hit TV series "Shake It Up."
Zendaya was shocked as she watched the videos of her former self and had some strongly worded things to say about the younger version of the actor.
Zendaya's curse words were bleeped out for the benefit of her younger audience but fans can catch the drift of what she was actually saying.
She called herself a fake Disney star and recalled that she had a friend help her to make the scripts for the videos. The star flushed with embarrassment and covered her face shamefully as her assistant Darnell absolutely lost it at the videos.
Some of the videos showed her time backstage on some projects with the Disney Channel and Zendaya stated that she needed to delete the videos because she was so fake back then.
Zendaya has certainly come a long way since her days on "Shake It Up" and has discovered the kind of artist and role model that she wants to be. She recently has branched out into the film industry the movie "Spiderman: Homecoming."