Anyone driving or strolling past horror author Stephen King’s home in Bangor, Maine will get an unexpected “treat.” A Red Balloon can clearly be seen in one of the windows of his West Broadway home. Speculation is that King placed the scary item in his window as a minor promotion for the upcoming release of the movie adaptation of his terrifying clown horror novel “It.”

Red balloon teases Pennywise at Stephen King’s house

Anyone who reads King's novels, or even just follows the author on Twitter, knows that he has a great sense of dark humor.

There is much anticipation for the release of the adaptation of his novel “It” in theaters on September 8, especially with the excellent reviews doing the rounds so far.

For those who don’t know the story, Pennywise the Clown is a demonic entity, who hands red balloons to children to lure them, before grabbing them and eating them to devour their life force. Therefore the appearance of such an object in the author’s home is just a tad scary. The Bangor Daily News reports that they don’t know how long it’s been in the window, but its appearance so close to the film’s release is definitely creepy.

Clown-only screening of ‘It’

As recently reported, others are getting into the theme of the movie too, with Mueller Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, Texas, laying on a “clowns only” screening of “It” the day after its official release in theaters. Just imagine a theater full of clowns, in full costume and makeup, watching Pennywise perform his terrifying antics – definitely a scary thought.

On top of that Bill Skarsgård, the actor playing the role of Pennywise The Clown himself, admitted recently that he felt really bad about the fact that he had terrified the child stars of the movie and ended up giving the poor kids nightmares.

Resoundingly good reviews for Stephen King adaptation ‘It’

As reported by IGN, Warner Bros.

organized a screening of the film for Los Angeles reporters recently and allowed the media to share their reactions to “It” via Twitter. According to that report, the reactions from the various media critics were resoundingly positive. With comments like “terrifying, hilarious and delightful” from one critic, and another saying it was everything they hoped for and more, it seems the film is set to do well at the box office with a definite sequel to come.

Everyone loved Pennywise himself and also went on to heartily praise "The Losers Club," while others said they just didn’t want the movie to end. More called the film “surprisingly funny and genuinely unnerving.”

While many of King’s Constant Readers still think Tim Curry was the perfect Pennywise (and he was wonderfully cute and terrifying in one clownish bundle), it looks like Skarsgård is definitely going to pull in the crowds and make a few sleepless nights for his viewers after the film releases on September 8.