A Short animated film released on YouTube has become a hit, receiving over 2 million views. "In a Heartbeat" was released on July 31, 2017, and was animated by Beth David and Estaban Bravo. The short movie tells the story of a closeted boy who can't seem to keep his heart under control when he sees "the man of his dreams". In the film, Sherwin can't stop his heart from popping out of his chest and racing after his crush, Jonathon. After a few embarrassing encounters where Sherwin desperately tries to get his heart back, everything comes a head when it's torn in two.
Sherwin, clearly upset and hurt, hides out under the tree where it all began and cradles the half of his heart he has left. To his surprise, he is joined shortly afterward by Jonathon, who helps to put his heart back together. The film is 4 minutes long.
'In a Heartbeat' production
The animated movie was created by Beth David and Estaban Bravo and is a Kickstarter project. As can be seen on the Kickstarter website, the project received a total of $14,191 from 416 backers, which is 3 times what creators David and Estaban were looking for. According to E! News, David and Estaban said that the project was a result of 4 years of education and dedication. The pair added that they wanted to explore something that has not featured in the world of computer animation before.
The film was created and produced at the Ringling College of Art and Design. The music was created by Arturo Cardelus, with Nick Ainsworth working as the sound director. The team has been praised for creating a piece of work representative and relevant to LGBTQ youth. Last May, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) released the results of an annual survey, which found that no main movie studio depicts LGBTQ characters well on the screen.
Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD, released a statement saying that LGBTQ characters are often used a "punch line" which reinforces and sustains outdated prejudices on a global scale.
Reaction to film has been very positive on Twitter and YouTube
Fans of the short animation have taken to Twitter to express their delight and support for the film.
Many users have commented urging others to watch the movie. The Daily Tribune tweeted that the movie is the "gay Love Story the world has been waiting for", with huffpostqueer telling viewers to prepare to cry in happiness. Similar reactions have occurred on YouTube. Viewers have called the film "amazing", "cute" and "beautiful". Fans have been wondering about one aspect of the movie, however - where did the apple go?