Jenelle Evans has had a troublesome history with her mother Barbara over the past many years. The drama with her mother started long before Jenelle Evans got pregnant at 16, as things were already heated between them when she was filming "16 & Pregnant." Jenelle revealed that she was indeed happy that her mother wanted to help her with her son Jace, so he didn't have to go into foster care. But she isn't exactly thrilled at the thought that her mother doesn't want to get her son back these days.

The two had made an agreement that Jace would be handed back to Jenelle in a legal matter when she had a stable job and had a steady place to live.

But over the past seven years, Jenelle’s life has taken some serious twists and turns and one of the decisions she made was to try heroin. It didn't take long for her to get hooked and within a few weeks, she was shooting up while filming "Teen Mom 2."

Drugs almost ruined her

In the beginning, she denied being hooked on heroin because she really wanted to prove that she was indeed stable on “Teen Mom 2.” Fans didn't really believe her story, as reports surfaced that she was in a rehab clinic and trying to detox at the hospital. Jenelle didn't want people to know that she was hooked on heroin because she was trying to prove to the courts and to her mother that she was indeed ready to take over Custody of Jace.

In Jenelle's first book, she opens up about what it was like to be addicted to heroin. She explains that it is something she does not want to experience again and she reveals that it was heartbreaking for her to get hooked and then detox, knowing that what she was doing didn't help her custody case.

But on Twitter, Evans recently revealed that there was a reason why she started doing heroin in the first place.

One fan had written to her that Jenelle should be thankful that her mother decided to take custody of Jace, as he could easily ended up in foster care. Evans is probably thankful that she still has a relationship with her son.

Jenelle is also revealing that it has been tough for her to have a relationship with her mother because of everything that has happened between them ever since she tried getting Jace back.

Blames her mother for addiction

On Twitter, Jenelle Evans was revealed that her mother may have played a role in why she got hooked to begin with. It is no secret that the relationship is somewhat troublesome and that she probably just wants her son back. But there are many things that happen behind the scenes that are not featured on "Teen Mom 2.” Evans wants fans to know the truth, and she opened up about this in her book recently.

In her tweet to her fan, Jenelle explains that there are many things that fans do not know about in relation to her relationship with her mother and that they should read her book to get to the truth.

It is interesting that she is now speaking out about having done heroin. It sounds like she still has a long way to go, even though she has satisfied all the requirements that Barbara put in place for her. Jenelle has revealed that her mother is only keeping Jace to herself because of the paycheck that MTV provides her and because she knows that she still has some power over Jenelle by keeping Jace with her.

What do you think about Jenelle Evans opening up about her heroin addiction? Are you surprised that she's blaming her mother for doing the drug in the first place?