Rodrigo Alves has become an international phenomenon due to his extremely surgeries to look like the Ken Doll from the Barbie franchise. Alves has had numerous surgeries from facelifts to tummy tucks and has announced his intention to get a gastric bypass. The star has gained three stone over the past few years and is determined to lose the weight without going on a diet.

The gastric bypass surgery

According to the Latest World News, Rodrigo Alves has announced that he wants to get a gastric bypass in order to lose weight. Rodrigo, who is known as the Human Ken Doll, made the decision to get the bypass after he gained three stone. Alves aspires to look as much like the Barbie Ken Doll as possible and is determined to get the exact waistline that the toy has.

According to the Daily Mail, Rodrigo has stated that his body simply cannot handle anymore liposuction so he has been forced to undergo the Gastric Bypass Surgery. The Human Ken Doll has claimed that he cannot afford to put on any more weight but he refuses to stop eating the amount of food that he is.

Rodrigo Alves has suffered from severe anxiety over the last few years and this has caused him to pile on the weight and has put on an additional three stone to his frame. The surgery that Rodrigo Alves wants is usually used to treat people with morbid obesity, which Rodrigo certainly does not suffer from.

Other surgeries that the Ken look a like has received

According to reports by the Daily Mail, Rodrigo Alves has already paid 400 K on different surgeries in the past and recently went to have his eyes changed to cat eyes. The Human Ken Doll has revealed that he spent 50,000 on a vampire face lip, and had a nose job completed in the past left him unable to breathe through his nose.

According to the Mail Online, Alves recently came back from a trip to Iran where he had several more surgeries on his body.

Now that the celebrity cannot have liposuction his obsessions with plastic surgery are now focused on the remaining surgeries that he can complete. Alves has stated that the surgery is a success when all of his scars are gone and his body is left looking like the Barbie Ken Doll.

During one of his surgeries to repair his nose, the surgeon accidentally broke some of Rodrigo's front teeth. He has since got his teeth replaced and showed off his new smile on Instagram. Rodrigo has been getting surgery since the age of 20, which means he has been funding his various surgeries and procedures for 14 years.

Rodrigo has always been open to talking about his surgeries and his transformation despite the backlash that he receives from the public.