If the White Walkers invasion of Westeros is inevitable, so is the romance between Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen. This Sunday’s "Game of Thrones" season finale titled, The Dragon and the Wolf could give viewers the anticipated storyline regardless of how they feel about incest. Of course, both characters are unaware of their possible blood connection, which could be revealed in the final episode as well.

'GoT' is about Jon and Dany- GRRM

According to director Alan Taylor, who helmed the filming of the still debated episode, 'Beyond the Wall,' the romance between the Mother of Dragons and the King in the North is happening.

It was George R.R. Martin himself who said the "Game of Thrones" is really about Jon and Daenerys.'

Taylor was talking to the New York Times about the 'Beyond the Wall' episode when he was asked about the inevitability of Jon and Daenerys’ romantic involvement. The director said that it is kind of hard "not to see it happening."

Alan Taylor then recalled a visit made by GRR Martin while they were shooting the first season of “Game of Thrones” in Malta. He said during that time, the author of "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels was being quite open about his plans. Martin told them that the series is “all about Dany and Jon.”

Taylor said he was surprised because he was thinking Robb Stark would probably become King of the Seven Kingdoms.

The director also said in those days he had no idea where the story was going.

However, it was “absolutely clear” to GRR Martin that the extensive storyline of "Game of Thrones" eventually will come down to the partnership of Jon and Daenerys, according to Taylor.

Jon and Dany's relationship took a big step

In 'Beyond the Wall,'' Taylor pointed out that the relationship has taken a big step towards its realization.

He praised Emilia Clarke’s performance “of feeling it and almost falling into it and drawing back from it.”

The tragedy that happened in episode 6 with the death of Viserion definitely strengthened the resolve of Daenerys to help Jon Snow fight the White Walkers. Fighting side by side will certainly draw the two leaders closer to one another.

The revelation of Jon Snow’s true lineage could impact how the two will feel and treat each other. This could be one of the biggest moments in the "Game of Thrones" season finale, though it is not yet clear if this happens in the final episode or will be revealed in season 8.

The blood relationship between Jon Snow and Daenerys could impact more on who should rightfully claim the Iron Throne rather than in their romance. Targaryens are known to marry even one of their siblings as in the case of Rhaegar and Daenerys’ grandparents, who very likely were Jon Snow’s great grandparents as well.