Actor Emily Osment took to social media recently to reveal a surprise about the ending to the Disney Channel show "Hannah Montana." The actor revealed that she stole the final words of the series from her fellow actor Miley Cyrus and fans have been sent into a wild frenzy. The star has been plagued with questions through Twitter but has not replied to any as of yet.
Osment revealed that she stole the show's final words
According to Refinery 20, Emily Osment recently took to social media to reveal that "Hannah Montana" was not intended to end in the manner it did.
The actor played the character of Lily on the show and was the best friend of the popular singer Hannah Montana. The series aired on the Disney Channel and skyrocketed both Osment and Miley Cyrus to fame.
In a report by Cosmopolitan Osment posted a tweet, which claims that she stole the final words of the series from her fellow actor Miley Cyrus. Osment revealed that the script for the final episode ended with Miley Cyrus telling Emily's character that she loved her. However, Osment has claimed that she ad libbed her line of "I know" which ended up being the final line in the entire series.
The scriptwriters of the series had planned for the last scene of the show to be a scene featuring both Emily Osment and Miley Cyrus just as the show had first begun.
However, they intended that Miley would speak the last lines of the series and that fans would be left with a touching "I love you" from one best friend to another. While the change in the final episode of "Hannah Montana" was only slight, it has sent fans into a frenzy.
Fans want to see the cast of 'Hannah Montana' reunite
According to Teen Vogue, fans were delighted when Emily Osment shared the interesting fact about the finale of "Hannah Montana." Fans of the show were sent into a nostalgic frenzy when Osment tweeted about the former Disney Channel show and immediately began to shower the actor with tweets.
Fans have been begging Emily Osment for a "Hannah Montana" reunion and have been asking her if she thinks that a reunion will happen anytime in the near future. As of yet, Osment has not replied to these requests and it appears that the actor will be remaining silent about the possibility of cast reunion.
Fans are also asking if there will be a spin off series of "Hannah Montana" like the recent spin off of the former Disney Channel show "That's So Raven." As of yet, there has been no statement released about the possibility of a spin off though this appears unlikely as the former cast of "Hannah Montana" is working on different projects.
Miley Cyrus has not commented on the fact that Osment stole the last lines to the series "Hannah Montana" and fans are wondering if this caused some tension between the pair.