Dayna Frazar recently took to social media and has claimed that her boyfriend of three years Dylan Sprouse has cheated on her. She shared the news on her Instagram account and has since deleted all of the photographs of herself and Dylan from her account. Fans are dying to know what happened between the couple while others are stating that the two should be given some privacy during this difficult time.
Dayna Frazer took to social media to share her claims
According to the Daily Mail, Dayna Frazer who has been dating Dylan Sprouse for three years went to social media to claim that her boyfriend cheated on her.
The model was devastated as she shared photographs of herself on her Instagram account with tears streaming down her face.
She titled one of the photographs and stated that she had found out that her boyfriend has cheated on her. It was clear that Dayna was trying to remain strong for the sake of herself and her fans as she tried to smile and gave a half-hearted thumbs up to the camera.
This was the only information that Dayna Frazar has shared and she has not made any further claims about Sprouse cheating. She has removed any photographs of her boyfriend from her Instagram account but she has not announced that the couple is broken up.
Fans were shocked to hear the news and are dying to know what happened between the couple.
They have taken to social media to share the news and the inquiry as to what happened between the couple.
Fans have taken to social media to attack Dylan Sprouse
According to Teen Vogue, a number of fans have taken to social media to attack Dylan Sprouse in the wake of the news. They have been calling him out and demanding to know why he cheated on his girlfriend of three years, however, Dylan has not made a comment on his girlfriend’s claim.
Other fans have taken to the couple's defense and stated that they should not bring up the news as if is clearly still very raw for Dayna Frazar. Other members of the public have been stating that the rumors of the cheating have only come from Dayna and that there is another side to the story that people have not heard.
While Dylan has not made a comment on the situation, he has gone on a deleting spree on his social media.
He has deleted all of his images apart from nine, which do not feature any images of the couple. Fans have also pleaded for people to stop bringing up events from the celebrities past that is not linked to their rumored break up.
Dayna Frazar has not made any further claims about Dylan's cheating and it appears that she will not be sharing anytime soon.