Chelsea DeBoer has been keeping many personal matters to herself over the past couple of years because she knows how aggressive people can be. Over the years, DeBoer has been slammed for everything, including her relationship with Adam Lind and how she's raising Aubree. People have opinions and Chelsea is oddly the one in the middle all the time. On this season of "Teen Mom 2," Chelsea is teaching Aubree to be gentle and kind to things and animals, but there are parts of her discipline that she doesn't want to show on television.

Sadly, her behavior isn't all DeBoer is dealing with.

She recently posted a picture of little Aubree and while many people were commenting on how beautiful her daughter looked, one person decided to write something horrible. According to a new Instagram post, Chelsea DeBoer is now being told that her daughter is gaining weight and Chelsea needs to watch what she feeds her daughter.

Going after Aubree

It seems like an immature move to go after a little girl. Of course, Aubree doesn't have her own Instagram account and she doesn't realize that people are commenting on her weight. But one can imagine that Chelsea DeBoer isn't happy about these kinds of comments. Aubree is still growing and her body is still developing. To call her pudgy seems like a rude and obnoxious choice.

"Watch what you're feeding your child! She has really gotten pudgy!" one person commented on her Instagram post.

Many people reached out to the follower, revealing that the comment was completely uncalled for. It was rude and harsh, and many people came to Chelsea's defense. As many fans pointed out, the children are off limits.

Lots to deal with

These days, Chelsea DeBoer may not comment on anything as she has a lot to deal with. She gave birth to her son, Watson Cole, back in February and one can imagine she's busy as school is starting up for her daughter. Her husband Cole is going to work, so Chelsea is trying to keep things running at home. One can imagine she isn't thinking about her daughter's weight or commenting on things where she would be defending her daughter's appearance.

Plus, the word "pudgy" does seem rude and harsh, especially since this follower is describing a little girl who just wants to have fun with her mother.

What do you think of Chelsea DeBoer's daughter being criticized because of the way she looks? How do you think DeBoer should handle this kind of situation?