On Friday, August 18, CBS aired a special episode of "Big Brother 19." As the remaining nine houseguests stood around discussing Thursday's night Double Eviction of Cody Nickson and Elena Davies, the doorbell rang and everyone ran to see who it was. It was Derrick Levasseur, winner of Season 16. He first told the contestants that he was moving in. However, he was only fooling them. When they found out the truth, they were relieved. He wasn't there to move in but to take them down memory lane.
Down memory lane
Derrick reminded everyone what happened over the past seven weeks.
As Derrick led the contestants down memory lane, clips were provided to remind viewers what happened earlier in the season in case they had forgotten. Josh Martinez was seen banging pots and pans and singing circus music before producers told him to stop the annoying practice.
Never before clips were shown of Jessica Graf and Cody Nickson's early showmance as well as Elena Davies and Mark Jansen's. Mark seems to be more into Elena than she is into him. She was vague about her relationship with Mark during her exit interview. Perhaps when Mark joins her in the jury house, their showmance will continue.
It was good to see footage of Ramses Soto interacting with the cast, and Alex Ow pranking the other guests.
Viewers found out how much of a cereal junkie Matt Clines is. He was seen eating bowls and bowls of cereal at a time. He gets up in the middle of the night to eat cereal. His goal is to eat at least 1,000 bowls of the breakfast food before he leaves the house. He is well on his way to meeting his goal, and at the rate he is going he will do so even if he has to continue when he gets to the jury house.
It is interesting that some of the contestants got more airtime than the others. In fact, no footage was shown of Christmas breaking her foot or Raven's showmance with Matt or Paul's return to the show.
Head of Household competition
At the end of Friday's episode, Derrick took the group into the backyard and introduced the Head Of Household competition that will be shown on Sunday night's episode.
Eight of the nine houseguests will compete by answering questions about things that have happened during the season. This will be a welcomed treat because the last Head of Household competitions have been about skill and luck. This particular competition will be about memory.
Watch CBS' "Big Brother 19" on Sunday, August 20 at 8 p.m. to see who will be the next Head of Household.