Wubbalubbadubdub, fans of "Rick and Morty"! Shoutout to all of you eagerly awaiting the dawn of a new age of "Rick and Morty" shenanigans. Having already assembled a monumental fan following, it is very likely that statistics of the show’s popularity will undoubtedly show further and immeasurable signs of improvement starting now and into the foreseeable future. The 30th of July is going to be an untameable tide of squanch-worthy goodness.

From what is undoubtedly a plethora of joy, madness and emotional turmoil of the good sorts, the parent season of the show, along with its sophomore has been a blanket of comfort for the entirety of the fandom over the period of the show’s absence on television during the works of its fresh new saga.

Every single episode, watched over different periods of time shows us various spectrums of each character in the show, and how they are developed gorgeously, the reason for which all of us hold them dear.

Un-used Scenes

The early formative phases of any TV program has within it a considerably solid amount of discarded ideas and acts that aren’t materialized and eventually do not make it on screen, a large portion of which is then sorted out with evolved thoughts over time into what is later masterfully sculpted into a scene. This material is, for the most part, kept around to include into future scenes, or in the event that there is a flashback or trip to the past scene of sorts. Our beloved show isn’t any different with regard to that intrinsic aspect of television shows in general.

One such unused selection from what could have been a piece of one of the scenes of the first season is what we are going to discuss in this article. This little clasp titled "Rick and Morty Deleted Scenes Seinfeld" on YouTube is a genuine declaration to the nonspecific nature of the show.

Behold Jerry Seinfeld

This snippet seems like a discarded scene from the season one episode eightRixty Minutes”, where Rick Sanchez rigs the cable television at home to broadcast television from all over the universe and its multiple realities.

Rick is seen channel surfing and comes across a show titled “Unrelatable Seinfeld”, from a reality where Jerry Seinfeld performs unrelatable stand-up comedy, which follows a show based on it. Jerry Seinfeld is seen talking about an unrelatable topic in his trademark fashion. He continually asks the crowd what the deal is with all the Mexican bones buried under everybody’s houses and why they keep burying Mexicans in the basement.

Morty seems impressed with this version of the show and says he could relate to it when he never found the original show funny. Rick agrees in the snippets closure, saying that they had found the perfect Seinfeld show for their generation.

In the wake of the current state of so-called popular television shows where famously acclaimed TV programs have been subjectively diluted through time and still figure out how to offer as a result of their image esteem, "Rick and Morty" has turned out to be a help to the individuals who yearn for an energized network show with impeccably built story-lines and an agile bit of grown-up funniness while holding things together in what is an unadulterated virtuoso.