"Beach Rats" is an upcoming American drama Movie which was directed and written by Elia Hittman. The movie focuses on the character of Frankie who is struggling with his life in Brooklyn. Frankie tries to find balance between his girlfriend, his friends, and chatting up older men online. The movie is a true coming of age story as the audience follows Frankie's transformation.

"Beach Rats" was already screened at the Sundance Film Festival where the movie received an overwhelming response. The film was so popular that it is due to be released in theaters later this year by Neon. Casting includes such actors as Harris Dickinson, Kate Hodge, Erik Potempa, and Madeline Weinstein.

Frankie struggles with his sexuality

"Beach Rats" focuses primarily on the character of Frankie, a teenager growing up in Brooklyn. Frankie appears to have a perfect life. He has a beautiful girlfriend and lots of friends but there is something missing in the picture for the young teen. Frankie finds himself drawn to chatting up older men online though it is clear that the teenager will not admit to himself the possibility that he could be attracted to men.

The movie explores Frankie's discovery of his sexuality in a poignant way. The young teenager eventually begins to spend less time with his girlfriend and more time hooking up with men at the beach. Eventually, someone in his life comes across this secret and drama ensues. Not only does Frankie have to explain to his girlfriend that he might be gay but he also has to look deep within himself and finally admit who he truly is.

This movie moves away from the stereotypical coming out stories as the character of Frankie has, for the most part, rejected and buried this side to his character. It will be interesting to see the ways that director Elisa Hittman addresses this in the movie.

Harris Dickinson plays character Frankie

The cast of this movie is the drive behind the emotion. Harris Dickinson takes on the role of the complicated teenager Frankie and handles it with great respect and talent. Joining him on screen is Madeline Weinstein, who stars as Frankie's oblivious girlfriend Simone. The dynamic between the pair is enough to drive audiences to check out this upcoming movie. Further casting includes the likes of Neal Huff, Harrison Sheehan, David Ivanov and Frank Hakaj.

"Beach Rats" is due to arrive in theaters come August 25, 2017. According to the critics at Sundance Film Festival the movie is well worth the watch.