"Teen Wolf" is a popular MTV show which has been running for five and a half seasons. The shows final season, season 6B, is to begin airing on the July 30 and fans will finally get the chance to say goodbye to their favorite characters. Recently there has been news about a "Teen Wolf" Reboot and fans are not entirely on board with this new endeavor. Jeff Davis is already confirmed to be working on this reboot of the series but fans have not even got the chance to see the end of Scott McCall and his pack. It has been confirmed that the reboot will not begin production for at least a year after the end of the current "Teen Wolf".
Jeff Davis currently in talks for reboot
According to Entertainment, the show creator Jeff Davis is currently in talks to turn the show into an anthology series. However, this reboot is to feature an entirely new cast in a different location. There is a possibility that one of the original "Teen Wolf" characters will make an appearance. The reboot was announced recently by MTV president Chris McCarthy. The Hollywood Reporter has stated that Chris told them the current characters have reached their stories' peak.
Chris went on to explain that they are working on getting the reboot together. However, they wanted to give the current season of "Teen Wolf" time to end and knew how important it was for the fans to get to say goodbye to their favorite characters.
McCarthy also explained that they will be waiting at least a year before they start looking for new cast members. He explained that they need to find the right people to carry on the legacy of "Teen Wolf".
Chris is excited about the prospect of a second "Teen Wolf" generation. He stated that they will be exploring a whole new set of problems that the original "Teen Wolf" series did not get to touch on.
Jeff Davis is already on board with the project. Fans do not know how to feel about this reboot, especially as they have not even seen the end of the current "Teen Wolf" series.
Season 6 hasn't even ended yet
Season 6 of "Teen Wolf" has not yet drawn to a close and fans feel that talks of a reboot were released too early. They have not yet had a chance to say goodbye to Scott McCall or his pack.
In fact, the first episode of season 6B is due to air on July 30. The final season of the series will be concluding with a brand new story for the McCall pack which is due to be wrapped in 10 episodes. The final season of the show will see Scott McCall and his pack facing their biggest enemy. Actor Linden Ashby has teased that not all of the characters will make it out alive after this season. Fans are eagerly awaiting the return of their favorite MTV series.
"Teen Wolf" is a very popular franchise and MTV is looking forward to exploring new characters and stories with the reboot. Davis will have to wait until the end of season 6B before fans can give their unbiased opinions about the decision to bring back "Teen Wolf" in a brand new light.