Taylor Swift has been out of the limelight for a while now. This is due to her relationship with British actor Joe Alwyn. The pair has been trying to keep their romantic relationship away from the media as much as possible. However, Taylor recently emerged with claims that she will be filing a lawsuit against a DJ. She claims that the former DJ sexually assaulted her when she posed with him for photographs backstage at one of her concerts.

Mueller has since denied the claims that the singer made. The trial is to begin next month.

The incident happened in 2013

According to Wonderwall, Taylor Swift will be testifying against a former DJ. The star made allegations against the DJ, David Mueller. Swift is claiming that the 55-year-old former Denver DJ Mueller lifted her dress and touched her inappropriately when the pair were having their picture taken backstage. Swift was 23-years-old when the incident occurred and both Swift and her mother contacted the Radio Station that Mueller worked for. The DJ was fired by the radio station, allegedly at the urging of Taylor and her mother.

There is some controversy surrounding the case, as Swift waited years before filing the lawsuit. According to the Daily Mail, Swift did not file the suit until the DJ came after her through the courts in 2015. The Denver Police Department did not hear anything from the singer during 2013. She also failed to even acknowledge her claims of sexual assault until he filed a lawsuit against Swift. Swift has since fought back against David Mueller's 2015 lawsuit and filed a counter suit, claiming both assault and battery.

Mueller says that he is innocent

David Mueller stated that he did not sexually assault Taylor Swift backstage in 2013. According to Fox, the DJ attended the concert with his girlfriend who was with him at the time.

He filed a lawsuit against the singer in 2015 stating that she was responsible for the loss of his income. Before being fired from the Denver radio station Mueller was earning a total of $150,000 per year.

Mueller also claimed that Taylor Swift did not file any action against him until now, and that the singer bullied his superiors into firing him from his position. The DJ's lawyer stated that there is no evidence to prove Taylor Swift's claims. He stated that in the photographs there is absolutely no evidence of Mr. Mueller touching the singer inappropriately in any way.

The trial is due to begin in Denver on August 9th. The only statement that Swift made regarding the trial is that she has never been more certain of anything in her life.