Sean Spicer, the former White House press secretary, spoke to Sean Hannity of Fox News about his resignation and the subject of Melissa McCarthy’s famed impersonation of him came up. While he found some of the “Saturday Night Live” clips to be funny, he found others to be far “too mean.”
Melissa McCarthy’s impression of Sean Spicer
McCarthy has been widely praised for her hilarious impersonation of the White House press secretary, but it turns out not everyone enjoyed her performance. Spicer told Hannity on Friday that there were some late night shows that made him chuckle, but there was also a lot that went “over the line.” The interview came hours after Spicer handed his resignation to President Donald Trump and the latter named Anthony Scaramucci as Spicer’s replacement.
An uncharacteristically smiling Spicer can be seen in the Fox News interview here.
Hannity asks Spicer for his reaction to Melissa McCarthy’s impersonation
Hannity obviously couldn’t resist asking Spicer about his reactions to the “Saturday Night Live” McCarthy skits that made light of his controversial relationship with the media. The show regularly aired skits satirizing Spicer’s habit of chewing gum and regularly arguing with reporters. Spicer said mostly it wasn’t funny at all; it was silly, malicious or stupid. McCarthy’s critically acclaimed performance had also, reportedly, hurt Spicer’s standing with Trump.
The former White House press secretary did admit that some of the skits on late night TV to crack him up but didn’t say which ones actually made him laugh.
However, he did say at times the skits went over the line from funny to being mean, adding you have to have a thick skin to handle this kind of attention on the job.
Trump is an ‘unbelievably gracious individual’
Spicer did also say that the president didn’t want him to resign. Spicer went on to say Trump is an “unbelievably gracious individual,” who is always thinking of others and who told him he will continue to support him as he always has.
As noted by the New York Daily News, Reince Priebus, the White House Chief of Staff, was also on Fox News Friday and spoke about “Saturday Night Live.” Priebus also said the show sometimes went over the top, in fact, he said the show is so far over the top that he believes they should offer equal time to a different opinion.
“Saturday Night Live” went on Twitter to say goodbye to "Spicey" on Friday night, with a short video clip of McCarthy’s best mockery of the former White House press security, with the caption, “Spicey Out.”
Spicey out.
— Saturday Night Live (@nbcsnl) July 21, 2017
Judging by several of the comments to that tweet, people are really going to miss McCarthy in the next season.