"Riverdale" is an original Netflix series created by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa. The show is based off the comics "Archie Comics" which follows the adventures of Archie Andrews. The first seasons of "Riverdale" was a massive hit and developed a cult following. It follows the mysterious murder of character Jason Blossom and followed Archie and his friends as they uncovered the truth behind the high schoolers death. Season two of "Riverdale" is highly anticipated by fans of the show. The trailer for season 2 of "Riverdale" was revealed at San Diego Comic Con and gave fans a glimpse of what is to come for their favorite characters.

A darker side to Archie Andrews

According to Deadline, there was a panel dedicated to the changes of the character Archie Andrews. The cast and creators referred to these changes as the "Dark Archie". As season two is to pick up immediately where season 1 left off, with Archie's dad being shot, fans can assume this has a huge impact on Archie's character. It is unknown yet as to whether or not character Fred Andrews will survive as he is seen being dragged into the hospital by his son.

As seen in the trailer Archie becomes convinced that the shooting at Pops was an intentional hit on his father. He begins to worry that whoever executed the shooting will return to finish him off. The paranoia surrounding his father's shooting is what begins this transformation into the "Dark Archie".

According to TV Club, Archie will set out to find the shooter and God only know what he will do once he has found him.

According to A.V Club, K.J Apa, who plays Archie on the show confirmed that his character is going to go dark. While on a panel at the San Diego Comic Con Apa stated that there is some kind of switch that goes off for his character.

He teased the fans that they will get a glimpse of a whole new side to Archie Andrews.

New obstacles for the 'Riverdale' gang

The trailer also teased some new obstacles that the characters of "Riverdale" will have to face. Cheryl's mother is seen lying in a hospital bed with her face covered with bandages. This is presumably from the fire Cheryl set at the end of season 1.

Fred Andrews appeared to be bleeding quite badly and fans are desperate to know if he will pull through.

While the gang is dealing with these issues a civil war or sorts is brewing between the South Side and the rest of Riverdale. This puts a strain on Betty and Jughead's relationship. The friendship between Archie and Jughead is also strained as Archie goes "Dark".

"Riverdale" fans will not have to wait too long before the release of season 2. The hit show will return to Netflix in October.