This 2017 is certainly the year for spin-offs, prequels or re-adaptation of famous and classic horror franchises. One of which is the highly anticipated and long-overdue prequel to Tobe Hooper’s 1974 classic “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” titled, “Leatherface.”

Horror movie fans will definitely enjoy a massive screaming fest for two seasons as several horror franchises will release their long-awaited spinoffs in the summer and in the fall of this year.

But despite the bad reputation of horror movie spin-offs, fans are expecting to be blown away as the movies unleash terror in cinemas soon.

Deranged sheriff

Following the exclusive premiere of “Leatherface” red band trailer, Bloody Disgusting released some photos the prequel’s deranged sheriff Hal Hartman, who is portrayed by Stephen Dorff. According to the publication, the character of the crazy cop will be responsible for causing a series of problems in the film.

These problems are attributed to the sheriff’s pursuit for retribution, following his daughter’s death. Unfortunately, his vengeance will also pave the way for the emergence of a psychopath monster called, Leatherface.


If the 2013 remake disappointed you, the red band trailer of “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” prequel might pique your curiosity and persuade you to watch the film as it premieres this fall. The reason? Well, the trailer presented several mysteries that might answer this interesting question — why was the killer given a chainsaw as a birthday present?

In addition, the trailer also showed some disturbing and NSFW sequences that were evident of the terrors found in its 1974 predecessor. In fact, there were glimpses of how the serial killer stitches and assembles his first iconic mask made of human skin, not to mention the macabre family dinners and bloody carnages.

Cast and plot

Even though it remains uncertain what will be the actual story of the prequel, filmmakers Julien Maury and Alexander Bustillo vowed that the upcoming film will “surprise and delight fans.” The duo, who is also behind the slasher film, “Inside” aka “À l’intérieur,” even described it as a “brutal and nihilistic road movie.”

For its plot, the film will reportedly follow the journey of four mental hospital escapees who are involved in the kidnapping of a young nurse.

These four inmates, one of them include the youngest child of the infamous Sawyer family, then take the victim on a gory and ruthless road trip.

As the story progresses, the quartet will then be pursued by the authorities, including crazed sheriff Hal Hartman, whose mission is to avenge his daughter’s death. The story will also reveal the origins of iconic Leatherface character, who will be personified by one of the four inmates.

As for the cast of characters, Dorff is joined by Lili Taylor of “The Conjuring.” She will play the role of Verna, the cannibalistic matriarch of the Sawyer family. Finn Jones is also part of the movie, while the four mental inmates are portrayed by James Bloor, Sam Coleman, Sam Strike and Jessica Madsen.

Release date and rating

Due to the disturbing scenes and violence, the prequel has been given a Rated R rating by the MPAA. The prequel is scheduled to premiere at London’s annual FrightFest Film Festival on Aug. 25, while an exclusive DirecTV release is set on Sept. 21 and its full VOD release and limited theatrical debut will be on Oct. 20, 2017.