Kelly Clarkson has never been ashamed to be herself, and that includes speaking her mind and sharing her heart. From taking the first-ever title on 'American Idol' to her tearful performance of 'Piece By Piece' in the competition's final season, her words gushed to equal her emotion. Kelly is all real. She doesn't mind sharing deepest feelings on subjects from womanhood to morning sickness with her fans onstage, and she knows her words mean something.

When Kelly Clarkson posted a deeply felt message honoring service forces on the Fourth Of July, the last thing she likely expected was a smart-aleck spouting off to insult her in return.

Well, it doesn't matter, because there's no one who knows how to choose the perfect words to handle a shame-mongering bully better than Kelly Clarkson.

Words of honor get reply of humiliation

Kelly Clarkson joined millions of other Americans in posting a tribute to all those serving past and present in the armed forces on the Fourth of July. Her message on Twitter expressed pure gratitude for "protecting all of us" and for the sacrifice that allows "us to experience freedom and independence." The majority of fans and readers responded with personal stories of their own family members, and many reciprocated thanks for Clarkson's message. As they say, though, there is always one who turns anything positive into a negative somehow.

One person had to be the most inappropriate person in the social media sphere of the singer. The only reply from that person was "You're fat." Without missing a breath or even a bite from her holiday weekend menu, Kelly Clarkson knew just how to phrase her reply. Four simple words said it all, in genuine Clarkson style: "and still f---ing awesome." With a winking emoji came Kelly's answer.

The original user's Tweet has been deleted, but the 'Stronger' songwriter's words will live on in her noteworthy volumes of girl-empowering inspiration.

Nothing new for Kelly

Kelly Clarkson has had to face being wrongly singled out because of her size before, including one particularly public 2015 Twitter incident provoked by Katie Hopkins after the singer's visit on the British talk show, 'Graham Norton Live'.

Now that Kelly has become a mother of two, a children's book author, and role model for so many women in all walks of life, she lets that kind of critique roll off her back, but the timing and the nature of this one really merited a comeback.

With a daughter and a son, River Rose and Remington Alexander, being the light and loves of her life with husband, Brandon Blackstock, Kelly Clarkson understands even more deeply the example a parent can be in providing the first example of how every person should be treated, and what no person should accept as treatment. That message echoes in her children's book, 'River Rose and the Magical Lullaby', through its strands of childhood wonder. A second book, River Rose and the Magical Christmas, will be out in October from this author-mom, and an album is in the works for later in the year.

Kelly is content with the fact that her creativity goes along with a "yo-yo" tendency with her weight. She has a firm grip on what really matters in being a strong woman, mother, wife, and artist, and none of that is measured by a scale. "We are who we are, whatever size, and it doesn't mean we're gonna be that forever" stresses Clarkson. Those are words that her Twitter troll can take to the bank.