Jinger Duggar Vuolo has extended an olive branch to her older sister Jill Duggar Dillard. Amid months of rumors that there has been trouble brewing between the married Duggar sisters, Jinger and her husband Jeremy Vuolo recorded a congratulations video to Jill and Derick on the birth of their second child.

A sweet exchange

In Touch Weekly posted a video of the sweet message, which shows Jinger appearing to be truly happy for her big sis and her new bundle of joy, baby Samuel Scott.

“We're so excited for you guys and your new addition, little Samuel," Jinger says in the video, before adding that she wishes they could “be there to meet him in person, but we look forward to that day."

The 21-second congratulations video seems to be squashed the sisters' "feud," which has been rumored to be over a church sermon and punctuated by social media clues. You can see the video below.

Fans have noticed that Jill Duggar doesn’t follow Jinger or her husband, Jeremy Vuolo on Instagram, which is noticeable considering the Duggar girls must wait until they are married to join the social media site and they use it to keep each other up-to-date with messages and family photos.

The Duggar Family places a high value on social media platforms as a way to keep in touch, so it’s pretty glaring that Jill doesn’t follow her sister and brother-in-law’s accounts. In fact, the brother-in-laws don’t appear to be connected on social media in any way, which has some followers thinking the family feud stems from something between the guys. In the Duggar family, it seems a woman stands behind her man, even if it means distancing from her own sister.

A long-brewing family feud

As for what the seed of the “feud” could be about, all signs point to a disagreement over religious doctrine. In Touch previously pointed to a sermon Jeremy Vuolo gave that that slammed missionaries that have never been “established by a local church.” Jill and Derick Dillard are longtime missionaries (in fact, the couple met on a mission trip), so they may have taken offense to Vuolo’s damnation of “unqualified, unsent zealots" that "cause more damage than they do good.” Shortly after the sermon,

Duggar family matriarch Michelle Duggar posted a cryptic blog post about jealousy and bitterness. The proud grandma must be happy that her daughters are now making nice—at least on camera.

Fans can see Jill, Jinger and the rest of the Duggar family on “Counting On” on TLC.