"Fantastic Beast 2" is the first of the new sequels from J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" spinoff franchise which grossed $814 million worldwide after it's 2016 theatrical release. The production is in works and cast members will include Johnny Depp and Jude Law.
The still-untitled sequel is set to continue its story in 1927, where they will pick back up with new lead character Newt Scamander, who helped capture the dark wizard, Grindelwald. The production will move from New York to London and eventually to Paris, as reported by Express.
Dramatic escape
The upcoming "Fantastic Beast 2" is expected to have a dramatic escape in the character of Grindelwald. He will not only escape but will also try to recruit more followers who will join his cause.
He will also try to elevate more wizards from non-magical beings. Meanwhile, the upcoming sequel will also promise to enhance the emotional stakes as it explores the complicated relationship of Dumbledore and Grindelwald, who were once good friends.
To recap, these two wizards were good old friends but it was due to a certain disagreement that they decided to go into separate ways. Further, the movie will also reveal on how deep Dumbledore's feelings toward his former friend Grindelwald really was.
It is also teased that Dumblewore was, at one time, in love with Grindelwald. Apparently, there are still more stories which will be revealed as J.K Rowling helps create the next release of her newest "Harry Potter" movie.
Gay sexuality
It was hinted before that the upcoming sequel will work in an interesting storyline concerning Dumbledore.
It is believed that Dumbledore is a gay man in the upcoming film series. The upcoming five-part film will feature 19 years of the history of the wizardry and viewers will find out more about Dumbledore's sexual orientation.
Meanwhile, it is also reported that "Fantastic Beast 2" is to be released on November 16, 2018. Also, the third film in the new movie series will hit theaters on November 20, 2020.
If the same pattern holds, that means that the other two films in the new series should arrive in November 2022 and 2024.
Among the details which were recently released, the upcoming movie sequel is still untitled but it is believed that the production will release the movie title very soon. As per report from Express, the movie started filming on July 4 with Eddie Redmayne returning for the lead role.