"DC Legends of tomorrow" is a superhero TV series which was created by Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg and Phil Klemmer. The series is a spin off of both "Arrow" and "The Flash" and contains characters from both of these shows. The series follows a team of unlikely superheroes who team up to fight evil. The first season of the show was released back in 2016 and was immediately followed up by a second season in the same year.

"DC Legends of Tomorrow" was renewed for a third season. The trailer for this new season was recently released at the San Diego Comic Con. Casting includes such actors as Victor Garber, Brandon Routh, and Arthur Davill.

Season 3 to take off immediately where season 2 ended

"DC Legends of Tomorrow" season 3 is to follow the fallout of the events of the season 2 finale. In the second season of the show, the team defeated villain Eoward Thane and his Legion of Doom. Season 3 will see the superhero team dealing with the consequences of fracturing the time line during this great battle. The fracture in the time lines has created anachronisms which are people, animals, and objects that have scattered all across time.

In order to repair the fractured timelines, the team must find all of these anachronisms and return them to their correct time.

According to Deadline, if the superhero team does not complete this task in time then the time stream will be damaged beyond repair. This will have dire consequences for the universe and the superheroes must succeed in order to save the world as they know it.

The trailer reveals what the team will be facing into this season

According to CBR, the team will be facing a new threat in "DC Legends of Tomorrow". Season 3 of the series will see the introduction of some unusual characters and moments in the show. As the team deal with trying to get the anachronisms back to their timeline they are seen joining a circus to rescue a saber tooth tiger.

The trailer reveals an image of Vixen petting a dinosaur and The Atom placing the American flag on the moon.

Season 3 of "DC Legends of Tomorrow" is full of adventure but also allows for some comedic moments. Fans of the show were thoroughly pleased with the trailer and what it means for the next season of the show. It has also been confirmed that the B'wana Beast is due to make an appearance in this season of the show.

"DC Legends of Tomorrow" is set to return on Tuesday, October 10. Fans are looking forward to watching the heroes deal with the fall out of season 2.