China has been banning a lot of things lately and their latest addition to their list is music star, Justin Bieber. The singer reportedly got himself banned for his "Bad Behavior."

Justin Bieber makes it to China's ban list because of bad reputation

Beijing’s cultural bureau just announced that they have banned Justin Beiber from entering the China. The ban was reportedly prompted after the Canadian singer built quite a reputation of being a bad guest in several countries.

Back in 2014, Bieber caused a scandal at a Mexican archaeological site for allegedly pulling down his underwear and even went on to climb ruins that were off-limits.

The singer was asked to leave the premises after the said incident.

He was also once kicked out from a nightclub in Ibiza because of a violent bout with actor Orlando Bloom. The singer is infamous for several more incidents that picked up bad publicity.

The bureau stated that they have acknowledged Bieber as a gifted singer but the fact remains that he is a controversial young foreign celebrity. The bureau further pointed out that he has actually caused a ruckus in public when he was in China for a performance but the bureau did not reveal the details of the incident.

Banning Bieber from entering and performing in China is one of the country’s ways of purifying their performing arts. Chinese authorities are just too worried to have Beiber walking on their streets.

Justin Bieber skips China for this year’s concert tour

Apparently, the bureau released the announcement regarding Bieber’s ban after a fan inquired about the singer’s upcoming concert tour. The fan reportedly asked the bureau of culture why the singer will not be doing a show in China.

Bieber already went on three worldwide concert tours - namely the Urban Behavior Tour in 2009, My World Tour in 2010 and 2011, and the Believe Tour in 2012 and 2013.

His second world tour included concert legs in China, where he performed in Beijing, Dalian, and Shanghai.

The singer kicked off the Purpose World Tour in March 2016. He has 11 upcoming shows in Asia but because of the ban imposed on him, he will not be performing in China.

The Purpose World Tour announced its shows in Asia last May and Beiber will perform in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Philippines, Singapore, and Indonesia this September and October.

The young singer kicked off his music career at a young age and amassed a huge worldwide fan base. He remains as one of today's most popular artists across the world.