The Movie is titled "9/11" and is to deal with the events of the attack. It was directed by Martin Guigui who is known for such movies as "Beneath the Darkness" and "Newman". The movie is based on a stage play written by Patrick Carson and surrounds the voicemails left by victims of the attack. These are the last messages from the victims before they perish in the tragic terrorist attack. Casting includes such actors as Charlie Sheen, Whoopi Goldberg, and Luis Guzman.
Based on a stage play
"9/11" is a movie adaptation of a stage-play titled "Elevator" written by Patrick Carson.
The play surrounds voicemails left by some of the victims of the attack. Five individuals are trapped inside an elevator in the North Tower. These strangers are forced to work together to find a way out of the building before it collapses on top of them. The characters leave voicemails to their friends and family as a means of a final goodbye should they not find a way out.
The movie adaptation has recently released its promotional poster. Cast members such as Charlie Sheen and Whoopi Goldberg are seen surrounded by an ashen background. The movie is set to be released in time for the anniversary of the tragic event. While it is sure to stir some painful memories it will also serve as a reminder as to the nature of terrorism and the threat that terrorists impose on the world.
Unusual choice for casting
Charlie Sheen is best known for his role in the hit comedy series "Two And a Half Men". He subsequently landed a series "Anger Management" after he was released from his contract with "Two And a Half Men". Sheen has been known to abuse both drugs and alcohol in the past and is certainly an unusual choice for such a role.
Sheen is a well-known advocate for the 9/11 Truth Movement. His close involvement with this ensures that the actor will have a broad knowledge of the events of the day of the attack. However, Sheen allegedly believes that the attack was staged by President Bush. The public is confused as to Sheen's intentions in starring in the film and his part is sure to cause some controversy with family members of the deceased.
Choosing Sheen may have been a mistake by the team working on "9/11".
"9/11" is to be released in the US this year on September 8. This is just three days before the 16th anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center. "9/11" is sure to be an emotional watch in the run up to the anniversary of the tragic event.