"Big Brother 19" rumors give a specific prediction on who is going home this week. Though the CBS episodes have left a bit of mystery surrounding who the real target for eviction is during Week 3, the live feeds have made it look very obvious for subscribers. It means that Alex Ow, who has been Head of Household for the week, is about to finish off a successful week in charge.
Alex Ow nominated Jessica Graf and Dominique Cooper for eviction this week. Jessica was told that she was the pawn as Alex put a plan into action to get Dominique out of the game. This plan was spurred on by Paul Abrahamian and nobody in the "BB19" house has complained about the nominations this week. Somehow Alex is about to get a target evicted without getting "blood" on her hands.
Did the Power of Veto have any impact on eviction this week?
Though there were several backup plans put in place depending on what took place during the Week 3 Veto Competition, it ended up having zero impact on how everything played out this week.
Dominique Cooper lost yet another competition, with Jason Dent walking away with the Power of Veto. He didn't use the Veto either, placing it back on the wall when given the opportunity.
The Eviction Ceremony will take place on Thursday night (July 20) and the "BB19" cast will have to decide whether to evict Jessica Graf or Dominique Cooper. These may become the most obvious "Big Brother 19" spoilers of the season, though, as there is almost no real drama as the eviction draws a bit closer. Will CBS and producers make it seem more interesting during the television broadcast? Or will they showcase the Josh Martinez and Mark Jansen fight?
Who is getting evicted on July 20?
It appears that a unanimous vote (10-0) is going to send Dominique Cooper right out the front door.
Dominique will get her one-on-one meeting with host Julie Chen, who will tell her that she is going to get a second chance at the game this summer. Dominique will be going up against previously evicted houseguest in a competition to gain re-entry to the "BB19" house.
This will serve as the first unanimous eviction vote of the summer, surpassing even the first one when Cameron Heard was sent home. Cameron will also be at the Battle Back Competition with Cody Nickson and Jillian Parker for a second chance at the $500,000 prize. Whoever wins that challenge will take center stage in future "Big Brother 19" spoilers over the weekend as they try to blend back in with their fellow houseguests (again).