Recently, there was talk that Ben Affleck would reportedly be ditched portraying the legendary DC comic hero Batman. A lot of that seems to be tied up with contract issues, a serious problem that may hamper the schedule of the DC film universe.
While Affleck played along with it, not confirming (or denying), anything tied up to that is now water under the bridge. It seems the veteran actor and producers were able to settle their differences and stay on course with the planned films.
"Batman" Trilogy deal
Affleck is expecting to figure prominently once “Justice League” hits theaters this November. There are of course more to follow, and most of the DC heroes will get their own solo starrers.
In the case of Affleck, he will be starring in three Batman films, the culminating one of which will be “Batman Beyond.” From there, a change could occur seeing how the contract will lapse plus the fact film makers normally take the age of an actor into consideration. A good example would be Hugh Jackman who made his last portrayal of Wolverine on “Logan.”
DCEU safe for now
With that settled, DCEU catches a break.
Hopefully such will result in sensible films starting with “Justice League” in a couple of months.
From the released trailers alone, Affleck holds an integral role portraying the Dark Knight. Superman (Henry Cavill) may be taking a back seat, seeing how his resurrection will come at a crucial point in the heroes’ battle against Steppenwolf and company.
Batman will be responsible for the logistics and likely showcase more of his “toys” against the threats to the earth. He will get plenty of help from Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) and debuting stars like Flash (Ezra Miller), Cyborg (Ray Fisher) and Aquaman (Jason Momoa). Could there be more?
DC fans are enticed to follow the movie closely since it may have clues on what to expect on the solo film starrers of the heroes.
The one involving Superman and Wonder Woman already came out, but the upcoming movie could hold teasers on the sequels.
The same goes for Batman, Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman, all of who are scheduled to star individually. These will likely be their origins, something only the producers (and actors) are probably aware of already.
Regardless, the issues have been ironed out and Affleck will continue to don the Batman suit. Comic-Con has raised the level of excitement to another level, hopefully, something that will be duly backed by the upcoming “Justice League” that picks up from “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.”