"Wonder Woman," directed by Patty Jenkins and benefiting from a terrific script by Allan Heinberg, is regarded as one of the best superhero movies since Chris Nolan's “The Dark Knight." When we think of this movie, aside from the interesting war scenes, one of the first things coming out of our minds are its heart-grabbing emotional characters, and Chris Pine and Gal Gadot cinematic coupling is pure dynamite.
Perfect direction with terrific story
The movie, "Wonder Woman" itself is incredible. The lead role is played by Gal Gadot, who is at the same time headstrong, innocent and brave.
She can climb the walls, can easily stop bullets with her arms, and can destroy buildings. She is a woman who chooses efficacy over fashion and sword over ice-cream.
Credit goes to the director Patty Jenkins for showing the many incredible sides of women, portraying a character who are agile, strong and ready to fight a war. The movie gives female gaze as you can see in some shots. In "Wonder Woman" you do see the lead character is trained to do war, but her ultimate objective is to bring peace. However, she thinks to kill bad guys is ultimate retort for war.
Gal Gadot and Chris Pine perfect chemistry
The major challenge Jenkins has faced in the movie was to update the role of "Wonder Woman," a character which is hopeful, earnest and admirable.
Diana in the movie has struggled to adapt to this world; she thinks bad guys made this earth wasteland. She wants to bring back the glory to this planet by killing those who are responsible for this.
The role of Diana is perfectly made for Gadot who did justice with the character. The chemistry between Chris Pine and Gal Gadot makes characters and story of the movie more emotional and heart touching.
"[Patty Jenkins] was pretty clear: I had to fall in love with [Diana], crack some jokes, and be the kind of light spirit — which I had no problem doing! In the vein of the Indiana Joneses and Michael Douglas in Romancing The Stone," Pine told CinemaBlend.
In short, you can say that Jenkins and Gadot have made this story more interesting which is a challenging and tricky one a couple of years ago.
Unfortunately, to the movie’s final act, when the bombastic CGI-on-CGI slugfest lurking beneath the story comes racing to the surface, burying the human elements in another gaudy display of slow-motion, light-show a**kickery. The movie is garnering great reviews and may even break the record for the highest rated superhero movie on Rotten Tomatoes.