Spoiler alerts for Monday, June 19Th indicate much action on "The Young and the Restless." Ashley and Graham will come to an understanding with each other while the lawsuit against "Brash and Sassy: will dominate other Genoa City residents. Phyllis and Billy talk about the emotional toll the situation is taking on Victoria, and Cane will be forced to tell his children about the charges that have been filed against him.
Are Ashley and Graham going to the next level with Dina's blessing?
Jack and Ashley have been trying to define the relationship Graham has with Dina.
On Friday Graham admits to Ashley that he is not romantically involved with her mother. Spoiler alerts indicate that on Monday Dina and Graham have a heart to heart and Graham tells Dina that Ashley was grilling him for information, Dina senses that something more is taking place between her confidante and her daughter. If so Ashley probably does not realize it because she and Jack are convinced Graham is taking advantage of their mother,
Billy and Phyllis should not be discussing Victoria
Spoilers by Soap She Knows, state that Phyllis is concerned about the toll the lawsuit is taking on Billy and Victoria. She will tell her lover that he can be there for his ex-wife where it is job-related but Victoria emotional well-being is no longer his concern.
Phyllis really needs to butt out because Victoria and Billy will always have a connection. They have been married several times and have two children. In addition, they work together at Brash and Sassy."There is no way Phyllis can cut the ties that bind her man to his former wife. By interjecting her opinion Phyllis comes across as the petty jealous woman that many Genoa City residents believe her to be.
It's also not her place to interfere with Billy and his former wife.
Cane has to tell his children the truth
Spoiler alerts tell us that Monday's episode will be a difficult one for the Ashby family. Cane is going to have to sit down with Charlie and Mattie and let them know he is being accused of sexual harassment on the job.
Now viewers know why the Ashby twins were recently aged from childhood to their teens. This brings more drama to the situation and adds more storyline as well. When the entire truth about Tokyo comes out it will add to the dynamic to have two almost adults in the house who can question things.
Had Cane told Lilly from the beginning that he did not remember a night of passion with Juliet none of this would be happening now. It seems that "The Young and the Restless" is going to give viewers a long hot summer. Spoiler alerts will keep those who want to know, one day ahead of the action.