Recently Sprint Mobile announced that the company is currently running the world's first 'Pokémon GO' giveaway using promo codes in the 'Pokemon GO' app, however, there has been some confusion coming from both Sprint and Niantic. At first, we received a considerable amount of player reports, which claim that yesterday they went to different Sprint Mobile stores, but when they asked about these promotional codes, they did not receive a concrete answer. Some of the users reported that in some of the stores, they were informed that the promotional codes were not available at the moment, but Sprint was saying the opposite.

Apparently, this situation has been resolved definitively since a lot of players have started sending reports saying that they are already starting to receive their promo codes, but not in the Sprint Mobile stores as it was announced by the company, but through their emails throughout the United States.

Promotional codes are for a single use

Sprint Mobile has announced that promotional codes will be for an exclusive and individual use and that they will only be available to US Android players. An interesting fact to take into account is that players have been informed that the event is still available and that users who use other companies, also can participate.

The promo code rewards are as follows:

  • 200 My trainer reward points (Sprint reward program)
  • 2 Incense
  • 1 Lucky Egg
  • 15 PokéBalls
  • 5 Great Balls

A Redditor user also provided a screenshot of his email containing a promo code that says " Thank you for participating in the Great Balls, Lucky Eggs and Incense giveaway at your local Sprint Store.

Your prize is Pokemon GO for Great Balls, Lucky Eggs, and Incense." According to the email published by this Redditor to redeem their gifts players must follow the steps below:

  • Open Pokemon Go and navigate to the in-game “Shop” from the menu
  • Scroll to the bottom of the “Shop” and enter your 16 characters alphanumeric promotion code in the “Promo” code area and click OK to redeem

Additional information

According to Pokemon GO hub, in addition to receiving a promotional code, players will be able to redeem their reward points for an entry to a future draw, arriving in 2018.

One of the rewards is a trip to Japan. It is worth noting that all eligible US trainers to join the “My Trainer Rewards” have the opportunity to be part of the promo code event, as registration is open for everyone.

This is all the information known so far. Keep enjoying the game, and stay tuned for more updates as they become available.